전체 8345
  • Science of Mind-Body Interactions - an Exploration of Integrative Mechanisms (Day 3)
    • - Jonathan Samet, Director at the USC Institute of Global Health at the University of Southern California (2014/07/25)
    • - Category : Special
    NCI Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis

    Science of Mind-Body Interactions - an Exploration of Integrative Mechanisms (Day 3)

  • Welfare Reform: Long-Term Implications for the Development of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
    • - John Pierce, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Family and Prevention Medicine, University of California, San Diego and Director of Population Science at Moores Cancer Center (2014/07/25)
    • - Category : Special
    Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture

    Welfare Reform: Long-Term Implications for the Development of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults

  • How hybrid mass spectrometers with multiple analyzers and dissociation methods will transform protein sequence analysis
    • - NIH Library (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Conferences
    Bioinformatics Research Symposium includes presentations about how scientists are using software licensed by the NIH Library Bioinformatics Support Program, to analyze, integrate, and annotate data from multiple genomics technologies. Included resources are as follows.

    How hybrid mass spectrometers with multiple analyzers and dissociation methods will transform protein sequence analysis

  • Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) Seminar
    • - NIH Library (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Conferences
    Bioinformatics Research Symposium includes presentations about how scientists are using software licensed by the NIH Library Bioinformatics Support Program, to analyze, integrate, and annotate data from multiple genomics technologies. Included resources are as follows.

    Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) Seminar

  • Scientific Management Review Board Meeting (Day 2)
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Scientific Management Review Board
    Advisory Board Meeting

    Scientific Management Review Board Meeting (Day 2)

  • Scientific Management Review Board Meeting (Day 2)
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Scientific Management Review Board
    Advisory Board Meeting

    Scientific Management Review Board Meeting (Day 2)

  • The Upside of Down: What Weve Learned About Mood Disorders
    • - National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Conferences
    NIGMS Medical Scientist Training Program Symposium - 50 Years of training Physician Scientists

    The Upside of Down: What Weve Learned About Mood Disorders

  • NIH Public Consultation on "Synthetic Nucleic Acids and the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules"
    • - HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Advisory
    This is the fourth meeting of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). The DGAC will develop an advisory report for the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and of Agriculture. This Committee???s advisory report will provide the scientific basis for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans policy document developed by the Federal government.

    NIH Public Consultation on "Synthetic Nucleic Acids and the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules"

  • American Health Information Community - July 2008
    • - Jerry Menikoff, MD, OHRP Director (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Advisory
    SACHRP provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary, HHS, on issues and topics pertaining to the protection of human research subjects. The committee is composed of 11 appointed voting members, with additional ex-officio representation from Common Rule agencies. SACHRP presently has two working subcommittees, the Subpart A Subcommittee and the Subcommittee on Harmonization. The July 2014 meeting will include reports from both subcommittees, as well as special panel reports focusing on comprehension and informed consent, regulatory issues concerning big data, and the return of general results to research subjects; there will also be a discussion of ethical and regulatory issues in interventional social media research. The meeting is open to the public and time is allotted on both days for public comment.

    American Health Information Community - July 2008

  • Secretarys Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society (SACGHS) October 2010 - Day 2
    • - Jerry Menikoff, M.D., J.D., OHRP Director (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Advisory
    SACHRP provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary, HHS, on issues and topics pertaining to the protection of human research subjects. The committee is composed of 11 appointed voting members, with additional ex-officio representation from Common Rule agencies. SACHRP presently has two working subcommittees, the Subpart A Subcommittee and the Subcommittee on Harmonization. The July 2014 meeting will include reports from both subcommittees, as well as special panel reports focusing on comprehension and informed consent, regulatory issues concerning big data, and the return of general results to research subjects; there will also be a discussion of ethical and regulatory issues in interventional social media research. The meeting is open to the public and time is allotted on both days for public comment.

    Secretarys Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society (SACGHS) October 2010 - Day 2

  • Science of Mind-Body Interactions - an Exploration of Integrative Mechanisms (Day 2)
    • - Jonathan Samet, Director at the USC Institute of Global Health at the University of Southern California (2014/07/24)
    • - Category : Special
    NCI Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis

    Science of Mind-Body Interactions - an Exploration of Integrative Mechanisms (Day 2)

  • EDI Empowerment Seminar - Think 'BIG' or Stay Where You Are!
    • - Cynthia D. Dunn, Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Headquarters (HQ), Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) Division. (2014/07/17)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    EDI Empowerment Seminar - Think 'BIG' or Stay Where You Are!
    Presented by: Cynthia D. Dunn, Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Headquarters (HQ), Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) Division.
    Category: HHS Only
    Aired date: 07/16/2014

    EDI Empowerment Seminar - Think 'BIG' or Stay Where You Are!

  • Scientific Management Review Board - July 2014 (Day 2)
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/07/16)
    • - Category : Scientific Management Review Board
    Scientific Management Review Board - July 2014 (Day 2)
    Presented by: Office of the Director, NIH
    Category: Scientific Management Review Board
    Aired date: 07/08/2014

    Scientific Management Review Board - July 2014 (Day 2)

  • IACC Full Committee Meeting - July 2014
    • - Dr. Thomas Insel (2014/07/16)
    • - Category : Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
    IACC Full Committee Meeting - July 2014
    Presented by: Dr. Thomas Insel
    Category: Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
    Aired date: 07/08/2014

    IACC Full Committee Meeting - July 2014

  • Scientific Management Review Board - July 2014 (Day 1)
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/07/16)
    • - Category : Scientific Management Review Board
    Scientific Management Review Board - July 2014 (Day 1)
    Presented by: Office of the Director, NIH
    Category: Scientific Management Review Board
    Aired date: 07/07/2014

    Scientific Management Review Board - July 2014 (Day 1)

  • Briefing to 6100 Executive Blvd Employees
    • - Daniel Wheeland, Office of Research Facilities, NIH (2014/07/04)
    • - Category : ORS and ORF (NIH Only)
    Briefing to 6100 Executive Blvd Employees
    Presented by: Daniel Wheeland, Office of Research Facilities, NIH
    Category: ORS and ORF (NIH Only)
    Aired date: 07/01/2014

    Briefing to 6100 Executive Blvd Employees

  • IMPC/KOMP2 Annual Consortium Meeting 2014
    • - NHGRI, NIH (2014/07/04)
    • - Category : Conferences
    IMPC/KOMP2 Annual Consortium Meeting 2014
    Presented by: NHGRI, NIH
    Category: Conferences
    Aired date: 06/30/2014

    IMPC/KOMP2 Annual Consortium Meeting 2014

  • DDM Seminar Series - Idea Mapping: How to Boost your Creativity and Planning Skills
    • - Jamie Nast, Entrepreneur, Author, and Pioneer of the Idea Mapping Tool (2014/07/04)
    • - Category : DDM Seminar Series (NIH Only)
    DDM Seminar Series - Idea Mapping: How to Boost your Creativity and Planning Skills
    Presented by: Jamie Nast, Entrepreneur, Author, and Pioneer of the Idea Mapping Tool
    Category: DDM Seminar Series (NIH Only)
    Aired date: 06/26/2014

    DDM Seminar Series - Idea Mapping: How to Boost your Creativity and Planning Skills

  • Bioinformatics Research Symposium 2014 - Day 2
    • - NIH Library (2014/07/04)
    • - Category : Conferences
    Bioinformatics Research Symposium 2014 - Day 2
    Presented by: NIH Library
    Category: Conferences
    Aired date: 06/26/2014

    Bioinformatics Research Symposium 2014 - Day 2

  • Typhoid Toxin: A Window into the Unique Biology of Salmonella Typhi
    • - Jorge E. Galan, D.M.V., Ph.D., Lucille P. Markey Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis Chair, Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Yale School of Medicine (2014/07/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    Typhoid Toxin: A Window into the Unique Biology of Salmonella Typhi
    Presented by: Jorge E. Galan, D.M.V., Ph.D., Lucille P. Markey Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis Chair, Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Yale School of Medicine
    Category: HHS Only
    Aired date: 06/25/2014

    Typhoid Toxin: A Window into the Unique Biology of Salmonella Typhi