전체 8345
  • Civil Rights in America
    • - Crystal A. deGregory, Ph.D. (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : African American
    Civil Rights in America
    Presented by: Crystal A. deGregory, Ph.D.
    Category: African American
    Aired date: 02/27/2014

    Civil Rights in America

  • The National Cancer Advisory Board Meeting - February 2014
    • - NCI, NIH (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : National Cancer Advisory Board
    The National Cancer Advisory Board Meeting - February 2014
    Presented by: NCI, NIH
    Category: National Cancer Advisory Board
    Aired date: 02/27/2014

    The National Cancer Advisory Board Meeting - February 2014

  • Giant Chromosomes and Deep Sequences: What the Frog Egg Tells us about RNA Transcription
    • - Dr. Joseph G. Gall, Carnegie Institution for Science (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Giant Chromosomes and Deep Sequences: What the Frog Egg Tells us about RNA Transcription
    Presented by: Dr. Joseph G. Gall, Carnegie Institution for Science
    Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Aired date: 02/26/2014

    Giant Chromosomes and Deep Sequences: What the Frog Egg Tells us about RNA Transcription

  • CC Grand Rounds: (1) The Calculus of Calories: What Mathematics Can Teach Us About Obesity (2) Artificial Sweeteners and Obesity: More than an Association?
    • - (1) Kevin Hall, PhD, Senior Investigator, Integrative Physiology Section, Laboratory of Biological Modeling, NIDDK (2) Kristina I. Rother, MD, MHSc, Staff Clinician and Chief, Section on Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology, Diabetes, Endocrinology, (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: (1) The Calculus of Calories: What Mathematics Can Teach Us About Obesity (2) Artificial Sweeteners and Obesity: More than an Association?
    Presented by: (1) Kevin Hall, PhD, Senior Investigator, Integrative Physiology Section, Laboratory of Biological Modeling, NIDDK (2) Kristina I. Rother, MD, MHSc, Staff Clinician and Chief, Section on Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
    Category: Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Aired date: 02/26/2014

    CC Grand Rounds: (1) The Calculus of Calories: What Mathematics Can Teach Us About Obesity (2) Artificial Sweeteners and Obesity: More than an Association?

  • National Advisory Council on Aging - February 2014
    • - Dr. Richard Hodes; Dr. Robin A. Barr (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Advisory
    National Advisory Council on Aging - February 2014
    Presented by: Dr. Richard Hodes; Dr. Robin A. Barr
    Category: Advisory
    Aired date: 02/26/2014

    National Advisory Council on Aging - February 2014

  • Demystifying Medicine 2014 - Chromosomal Translocation: Cellular Mechanism and Clinical Consequences
    • - Tom Misteli, PhD (NCI) John Barrett, MD (NHLBI) (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Demystifying Medicine
    Demystifying Medicine 2014 - Chromosomal Translocation: Cellular Mechanism and Clinical Consequences
    Presented by: Tom Misteli, PhD (NCI) John Barrett, MD (NHLBI)
    Category: Demystifying Medicine
    Aired date: 02/25/2014

    Demystifying Medicine 2014 - Chromosomal Translocation: Cellular Mechanism and Clinical Consequences

  • NINDS Training All hands Meetings - NIH Safety and Security
    • - NIH Safety and Security (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Town Hall - All Hands (NIH Only)
    NINDS Training All hands Meetings - NIH Safety and Security
    Presented by: NIH Safety and Security
    Category: Town Hall - All Hands (NIH Only)
    Aired date: 02/25/2014

    NINDS Training All hands Meetings - NIH Safety and Security

  • Special Visit - Senator Mikulski and NIH Employees
    • - Senator Barbara Mikulski and Dr. Francis Collins (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Special
    Special Visit - Senator Mikulski and NIH Employees
    Presented by: Senator Barbara Mikulski and Dr. Francis Collins
    Category: Special
    Aired date: 02/24/2014

    Special Visit - Senator Mikulski and NIH Employees

  • Health Without Boundaries: Rethinking Global and Domestic Health
    • - Julio Frenk, MD, MPH, PhD, Dean of Faculty at Harvard School of Public Health, Former Minister of Health of Mexico, Founding Director General, National Institute of Public Health in Mexico (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    Health Without Boundaries: Rethinking Global and Domestic Health
    Presented by: Julio Frenk, MD, MPH, PhD, Dean of Faculty at Harvard School of Public Health, Former Minister of Health of Mexico, Founding Director General, National Institute of Public Health in Mexico
    Category: HHS Only
    Aired date: 02/24/2014

    Health Without Boundaries: Rethinking Global and Domestic Health

  • Molecular Mechanisms of Gene X Environment Interaction in Stress-Related Psychiatric Disorders
    • - Elisabeth Binder, MD, PhD, Emory University School of Medicine (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Neuroscience
    Molecular Mechanisms of Gene X Environment Interaction in Stress-Related Psychiatric Disorders
    Presented by: Elisabeth Binder, MD, PhD, Emory University School of Medicine
    Category: Neuroscience
    Aired date: 02/24/2014

    Molecular Mechanisms of Gene X Environment Interaction in Stress-Related Psychiatric Disorders

  • National Cancer Institute (NCI) Director's Consumer Liaison Group Meeting - February 2014
    • - NCI Office of Advocacy Relations, NIH (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Advisory
    National Cancer Institute (NCI) Director's Consumer Liaison Group Meeting - February 2014
    Presented by: NCI Office of Advocacy Relations, NIH
    Category: Advisory
    Aired date: 02/21/2014

    National Cancer Institute (NCI) Director's Consumer Liaison Group Meeting - February 2014

  • DDM Seminar Series - The Hidden Brain: Unconscious Bias at Work
    • - Shankar Vedantam, Science Correspondent for NPR (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : DDM Seminar Series (NIH Only)
    DDM Seminar Series - The Hidden Brain: Unconscious Bias at Work
    Presented by: Shankar Vedantam, Science Correspondent for NPR
    Category: DDM Seminar Series (NIH Only)
    Aired date: 02/20/2014

    DDM Seminar Series - The Hidden Brain: Unconscious Bias at Work

  • OGC Speaker Series - February 2014
    • - Judge Laurence H. Silberman (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    OGC Speaker Series - February 2014
    Presented by: Judge Laurence H. Silberman
    Category: HHS Only
    Aired date: 02/19/2014

    OGC Speaker Series - February 2014

  • CC Grand Rounds: (1) The Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Improve LV Function as an Adjunct to Surgical Revascularization (2) Psoriasis Inflammation and its Association with Cardiometabolic Disease
    • - (1) Keith Horvath, MD Director, Cardiothoracic Surgery Research Program, NHLBI, NIH Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery, NIH Heart Center at Suburban Hospital; and Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2) Nehal Mehta, MD, MSCE (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: (1) The Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Improve LV Function as an Adjunct to Surgical Revascularization (2) Psoriasis Inflammation and its Association with Cardiometabolic Disease
    Presented by: (1) Keith Horvath, MD Director, Cardiothoracic Surgery Research Program, NHLBI, NIH Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery, NIH Heart Center at Suburban Hospital; and Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2) Nehal Mehta, MD, MSCE
    Category: Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Aired date: 02/19/2014

    CC Grand Rounds: (1) The Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Improve LV Function as an Adjunct to Surgical Revascularization (2) Psoriasis Inflammation and its Association with Cardiometabolic Disease

  • NIH Safety and Security
    • - Jordan Southers (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : NIH Only
    NIH Safety and Security
    Presented by: Jordan Southers
    Category: NIH Only
    Aired date: 02/19/2014

    NIH Safety and Security

  • Demystifying Medicine 2014 - Pertussis (Whooping Cough): A Lesson in Vaccines
    • - John Robbins, MD, NICHD, NIH; Alexandra Freeman, MD, NIAID, NIH (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Demystifying Medicine
    Demystifying Medicine 2014 - Pertussis (Whooping Cough): A Lesson in Vaccines
    Presented by: John Robbins, MD, NICHD, NIH; Alexandra Freeman, MD, NIAID, NIH
    Category: Demystifying Medicine
    Aired date: 02/18/2014

    Demystifying Medicine 2014 - Pertussis (Whooping Cough): A Lesson in Vaccines

  • Insights into DNA Ligase Functions using Small Molecule Inhibitors
    • - Dr Alan Tomkinson, University of New Mexico (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : DNA Repair
    Insights into DNA Ligase Functions using Small Molecule Inhibitors
    Presented by: Dr Alan Tomkinson, University of New Mexico
    Category: DNA Repair
    Aired date: 02/18/2014

    Insights into DNA Ligase Functions using Small Molecule Inhibitors

  • Congenital Heart Disease: Many Genes Lead to a Broken Heart
    • - Christine Seidman, M.D., Thomas W. Smith Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Genetics Director, Brigham & Women's Cardiovascular Genetics Center; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Congenital Heart Disease: Many Genes Lead to a Broken Heart
    Presented by: Christine Seidman, M.D., Thomas W. Smith Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Genetics Director, Brigham & Women's Cardiovascular Genetics Center; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Aired date: 02/12/2014

    Congenital Heart Disease: Many Genes Lead to a Broken Heart

  • National Library of Medicine - Board of Regents, Advisory Council Meeting - February 2014 (Day 2)
    • - Dr. Donald A. B. Lindberg (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Advisory
    National Library of Medicine - Board of Regents, Advisory Council Meeting - February 2014 (Day 2)
    Presented by: Dr. Donald A. B. Lindberg
    Category: Advisory
    Aired date: 02/12/2014

    National Library of Medicine - Board of Regents, Advisory Council Meeting - February 2014 (Day 2)

  • Neuroscience Symposium 2014 (Day 2)
    • - FIC, NIA (2014/03/13)
    • - Category : Conferences
    Neuroscience Symposium 2014 (Day 2)
    Presented by: FIC, NIA
    Category: Conferences
    Aired date: 02/12/2014

    Neuroscience Symposium 2014 (Day 2)