전체 8345
  • NIH VideoCast - National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity - September 2015
    • - NIH (2015/10/01)
    • - Category : National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
    The workshop for the Advisory Board on Biosecurity.

    NIH VideoCast - National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity - September 2015

  • NIH VideoCast - NIH Workshop on Reproducibility in Cell Culture Studies (Day 1)
    • - NIGMS, NIH (2015/10/01)
    • - Category : Conferences
    In recent years increasing numbers of researchers and commentators have reported difficulties in replicating others` results and/or confirming their findings. At this workshop, leading experts from academia and industry will discuss factors that impact reproducibility in cell culture studies.

    NIH VideoCast - NIH Workshop on Reproducibility in Cell Culture Studies (Day 1)

  • NIH VideoCast - Danger based immunology course, session two: rejection in transplantation vs pregnancy
    • - Polly Matzinger, NIH (2015/10/01)
    • - Category : Special
    This is the second lesson in an eight week course on Immunology as seen from the point of view of the Danger model. We will cover two types of "transplants": fetuses, and surgically transplanted organs. One of these (the fetus) is not usually rejected, even though it expresses foreign antigens, while the other (transplanted organs) are usually rejected. Neither the self-non-self model, nor the Infectious non self model (AKA pattern recognition model) has good explanations for this difference in immune response, while the danger model predicts it."

    NIH VideoCast - Danger based immunology course, session two: rejection in transplantation vs pregnancy

  • NIH VideoCast - Division of Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation Subcommittee - September 2015
    • - Dr. Daniel Rotrosen (2015/09/30)
    • - Category : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    Report from Division Director and Division Staff

    NIH VideoCast - Division of Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation Subcommittee - September 2015

  • NIH VideoCast - SPL/DailyMed Jamboree Workshop 2015
    • - John Kilbourne, Tom Bizzaro, Stuart Nelson, Jon White, Conor Dowling, Ajit Dhavle, Gil Ngan, Tammy Powell, Lee Peters, Ed Millikan, Olivier Bodenreider, Rich Boyce, Tina Morris, Gillian Woollett, Vada Perkins (2015/09/30)
    • - Category : Conferences
    ???NLM is sponsoring a free public meeting, ???SPL/DailyMed/RxNorm Jamboree 2015 Workshop ??? Practical use of DailyMed and RxNorm Drug Data???. Speakers from Federal government (NLM, ONC, CMS, FDA), industry (FDB [First Databank], Avalere Health, MedActionPlan), academia (University of Pittsburgh) and non-profit sectors (United States Pharmacopeia, American Society of Health System Pharmacists) and others will speak on their experience and recommendations concerning Structured Product Label (SPL) drug data and RxNorm drug data. Since this marks 10 years of SPL data, there will be special emphasis on the history of DailyMed. In addition, there will be three presentations concerning biosimilars naming.???

    NIH VideoCast - SPL/DailyMed Jamboree Workshop 2015

  • NIH VideoCast - Principles of Clinical Pharmacology ~ Use of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in Pharmacokinetics
    • - Dr. Robert Innis, NIH (2015/09/29)
    • - Category : Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
    The "Principles of Clinical Pharmacology" course is a weekly lecture series covering the fundamentals of clinical pharmacology as a translational scientific discipline focused on rational drug development and utilization in therapeutics. The course is offered annually at the NIH Clinical Center and runs from September through April.

    NIH VideoCast - Principles of Clinical Pharmacology ~ Use of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in Pharmacokinetics

  • NIH VideoCast - NICHD Advisory Council - September 2015
    • - NICHD, NIH (2015/09/25)
    • - Category : National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
    To help achieve the goals of the Institute, the NACHHD Council is charged with advising, consulting with, and making recommendations to the NICHD director on matters relating to the research and research support activities and functions of the Institute.

    NIH VideoCast - NICHD Advisory Council - September 2015

  • NIH VideoCast - The functional organization of axons in health and disease
    • - Matthew Rasband, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine (2015/09/25)
    • - Category : Neuroscience
    NIH Neuroscience Series Seminar

    Dr. Rasband lab???s long range goals are to elucidate the processes that underlie the molecular assembly of electrogenic compartments of axons and the role that myelinating cells (oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells) play in this process in health and in disease. Their lab explores the molecular basis of signaling between glial cells and axons in the brain and spinal cordunder a variety of conditions including the normal process of myelination that occurs during development, demyelination and remyelination in disorders such as multiple sclerosis and the responses of axons and their myelinating cells to injuries of various types, including trauma. Their laboratory is working to understand the underlying mechanisms that regulate the clustering of ion channels at the sites that initiate and propagate action potentials: the axon initial segment and nodes of Ranvier. Many nervous system diseases and injuries result in the disruption of these domains. For example, traumatic brain and spinal cord injury (TBI and SCI), as well as demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis result in widespread axonal injury. It is now appreciated that a host of molecular events occurs that ultimately results in the disruption of axons and their excitable domains. One particularly sensitive component of axons is the spectrin/ankyrin based cytoskeleton. Spectrins and ankyrins are highly enriched at axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier and are essential for maintaining both the high-density cluster of ion channels. Dr. Rasband???s research team is working to uncover the molecular mechanisms regulating formation and maintenance of ion channel clusters in axons since any therapeutic strategy aimed at nervous system repair and/or regeneration will require the re-establishment of these excitable domains.

    NIH VideoCast - The functional organization of axons in health and disease

  • NIH VideoCast - Federal Training Institute Partnership (Day 1)
    • - NIH, HHS in partnership with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) (2015/09/25)
    • - Category : Special
    The National Institutes of Health, Office of Equity Diversity andInclusion in collaboration with the HHS Office of Human Resources TalentAcquisition Division, and the League of United Latin American Citizens(LULAC) will co-host this year??s third annual Federal Training InstitutePartnership (FTIP) program. FTIP will provide an intensive andstructured career-development program for government employees. Thetwo-day event will consist of plenary sessions, workshops, and executivecoaching sessions.

    For more information go to http://lulac.org/events/federal_training_institute_partnership

    NIH VideoCast - Federal Training Institute Partnership (Day 1)

  • NIH VideoCast - Federal Training Institute Partnership (Day 2)
    • - Mr. Jeffrey Vargas, Chief Learning Officer, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (2015/09/25)
    • - Category : Special
    The National Institutes of Health, Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion in collaboration with the HHS Office of Human Resources Talent Acquisition Division, and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) will co-host this year??s third annual Federal Training Institute Partnership (FTIP) program. This presentation will help connect your leadership vision for self with the leadership potential that hasn???t??? been unleashed. Be part of this session and you will learn how to: ??? Identify your leadership strengths ??? Challenge yourself as a leader ??? Secure free/no cost leadership training ??? Create a customized leadership plan

    NIH VideoCast - Federal Training Institute Partnership (Day 2)

  • NIH VideoCast - Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence - Lessons from the Private Sector
    • - Andrew Moore, Ph.D., Dean of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (2015/09/24)
    • - Category : Special
    NIH Frontiers in Data Science Series

    Andrew more will discuss some of the big developments in computer science from the perspective of someone crossing over from industry to academia. He will talk about roadmaps for AI-based consumer and advice products in the commercial world and contrast with some of the potentially viable roadmaps in healthcare. Andrew more will also touch on entity stores (aka knowledge graphs), question answering and ultra-large data center architectures.

    Andrew Moore is the Dean of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. His areas of research and expertise include decision and control algorithms, statistical machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, and statistical computation for large volumes of data. Andrew more previously served as the VP of Engineering at Google Pittsburg where he was responsible for the retail segment: Google Shopping. Andrew was involved with a number of Google/University activities, two examples of which were Google Sky (in collaboration with CMU, Hubble Space Telescope Center and University of Washington) and the Android SkyMap app.

    For more information go to https://datascience.nih.gov/community/datascience-at-nih/frontiers

    NIH VideoCast - Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence - Lessons from the Private Sector

  • NIH VideoCast - U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen ??? Public Press Conference
    • - Chris Van Hollen, Jr. (2015/09/24)
    • - Category : Special
    Press Conference with Chris Van Hollen, Jr., the U.S. Representative for Maryland`s 8th congressional district.

    NIH VideoCast - U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen ??? Public Press Conference

  • NIH VideoCast - Immunology Course based on the Danger Model: Session 1
    • - Polly Matzinger, NIH (2015/09/24)
    • - Category : Special
    This is the introductory lesson of the eight-week course. It will cover immunological theory from the 1950`s to the present; including Burnet`s initial paper inventing the "self-non`self` model of immunity; Lederberg`s paper on self-tolerance; Bretscher and Cohn`s paper inventing Signal One and Two (help for B cells), Lafferty and Cunningham`s paper invent gin signal Two (costimulation), Janeway`s paper on Pattern Recognition Receptors, and Matzinger`s paper on the Danger model. It serves as the basis for the remaining seven lectures. Hopefully, there will be questions and discussions with the students.

    NIH VideoCast - Immunology Course based on the Danger Model: Session 1

  • NIH VideoCast - AIDS Research Advisory Committee - September 2015
    • - Division of AIDS, NIAID, NIH (2015/09/23)
    • - Category : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    September 21, 2015 AIDS Research Advisory Committee Meeting

    NIH VideoCast - AIDS Research Advisory Committee - September 2015

  • NIH VideoCast - NIAID Advisory Council Meeting - September 2015
    • - Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director, NIAID, NIH (2015/09/23)
    • - Category : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    Dr. Anthony S. Fauci will address the full council. Dr. Lawrence Tabak will address the full council

    NIH VideoCast - NIAID Advisory Council Meeting - September 2015

  • NIH VideoCast - TRACO 2015: Ovarian Cancer - Immune Checkpoint
    • - C. Annunziata, NIH; S. Goff, NIH (2015/09/23)
    • - Category : TRACO
    Ovarian cancer; Immune checkpoint

    For more information go to http://ccr.cancer.gov/trainee-resources-courses-workshops-traco

    NIH VideoCast - TRACO 2015: Ovarian Cancer - Immune Checkpoint

  • NIH VideoCast - Differential roles for the Rad51 paralogues in homologous recombination
    • - Stephen Godin, University of Pittsburgh (2015/09/22)
    • - Category : DNA Repair

    DNA Repair Young Investigators Talk 2015

    Stephen Godin, University of Pittsburgh - Differential roles for the Rad51 paralogues in homologous recombination

    NIH VideoCast - Differential roles for the Rad51 paralogues in homologous recombination

  • NIH VideoCast - NLM Board of Regents Meeting - September 2015 (Day 2)
    • - NLM, NIH (2015/09/22)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings
    NLM Board of Regents Meeting (Council)

    For more information go to http://www.nlm.nih.gov/od/bor/bor.html


    NIH VideoCast - NLM Board of Regents Meeting - September 2015 (Day 2)

  • NIH VideoCast - From Private Matter to Public Health Crisis: Nursing and the Intervention into Domestic Violence
    • - Catherine Jacquet, PhD, Louisiana State University (2015/09/22)
    • - Category : Special
    The late 20th century witnessed a significant shift in how the medical community responds to victims of domestic violence. Once a ???private matter??? that doctors shied away from, domestic violence became recognized as a public health crisis requiring serious medical attention. This change came as a result of the tireless efforts of reformers within the medical profession, a substantial number of whom were nurses. In this talk, Dr. Catherine Jacquet will focus on the work of pioneer nurses who made it their life???s work to properly identify and treat victims of violence and to prevent further harm to them. In so doing these nurses were critical figures in reforming a once negligent medical system and, ultimately, improving the lives of thousands of women nationwide.

    Dr. Jacquet???s lecture coincides with the opening of Confronting Violence, Improving Women???s Lives, a new special display curated by her, which will open in the NLM History of Medicine reading room on Monday, September 14, accompanied by a web site and traveling banner exhibition.

    For more information go to http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/about/exhibition/upcomingexhibitions.html

    NIH VideoCast - From Private Matter to Public Health Crisis: Nursing and the Intervention into Domestic Violence

  • NIH VideoCast - NIGMS Council Open Session - September 2015
    • - Dr. Jon Lorsch, NIGMS, NIH (2015/09/22)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings
    Full open session of the September, 2015 NIGMS Council.

    NIH VideoCast - NIGMS Council Open Session - September 2015