전체 8345
  • Learning About the Origin of Life from Efforts to Design an Artificial Cell
    • - Roy Bar-Ziv, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel and Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University (2014/11/29)
    • - Category : WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series

    Learning About the Origin of Life from Efforts to Design an Artificial Cell

  • MicroRNA Pathways in Animal Development
    • - C. Harris; J. Wei (2014/11/29)
    • - Category : TRACO

    MicroRNA Pathways in Animal Development

  • Bringing the Genome to You
    • - Lead Presenters: (1) Irene Cortese, MD, Chief, Neuroimmunology Clinic, NINDS (2) Daniel S. Reich, MD, PhD, Chief, Translational Neuroradiology Unit, NINDS (3) Hao-Wei Wang, MD Laboratory of Pathology, NCI (4) Avindra Nath, MD Chief, Section of Infections of the Nervous System and Clinical Director, NINDS (5) Eugene Major, PhD Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Neuroscience, NINDS (2014/11/28)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Clinicopathologic Grand Rounds: Clinical Cases from the NIH Clinical Center: The Double-Edged Sword of Immunomodulatory Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis

    Bringing the Genome to You

  • Protein Structure Analysis and Protein-Protein Interactions
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/11/28)
    • - Category : Conferences
    This is the first of three workshops sponsored by the NIH Office of the Director on the important topic of reproducibility, the subject of recent editorials in leading scientific journals.

    Protein Structure Analysis and Protein-Protein Interactions

  • TRACO: Cervical Cancer Vaccine and Inflammation
    • - C. Harris; J. Wei (2014/11/28)
    • - Category : TRACO

    TRACO: Cervical Cancer Vaccine and Inflammation

  • Bringing the Genome to You
    • - Lead Presenters: (1) Irene Cortese, MD, Chief, Neuroimmunology Clinic, NINDS (2) Daniel S. Reich, MD, PhD, Chief, Translational Neuroradiology Unit, NINDS (3) Hao-Wei Wang, MD Laboratory of Pathology, NCI (4) Avindra Nath, MD Chief, Section of Infections of the Nervous System and Clinical Director, NINDS (5) Eugene Major, PhD Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Neuroscience, NINDS (2014/11/27)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Clinicopathologic Grand Rounds: Clinical Cases from the NIH Clinical Center: The Double-Edged Sword of Immunomodulatory Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis

    Bringing the Genome to You

  • Genes, Environment and Health Initiative: Translating Whole Genome Association Data into Clinical Practice (Day 2)
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/11/27)
    • - Category : Conferences
    This is the first of three workshops sponsored by the NIH Office of the Director on the important topic of reproducibility, the subject of recent editorials in leading scientific journals.

    Genes, Environment and Health Initiative: Translating Whole Genome Association Data into Clinical Practice (Day 2)

  • Stem Cells of the Skin: Their Biology and Clinical Potential
    • - Andrea Ballabio, M.D., Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine (2014/11/27)
    • - Category : Neuroscience
    Neuroscience Seminar Series

    Stem Cells of the Skin: Their Biology and Clinical Potential

  • TRACO: siRNA, p53 and Inflammation
    • - C. Harris; J. Wei (2014/11/27)
    • - Category : TRACO

    TRACO: siRNA, p53 and Inflammation

  • RNAi and Development in C Elegans
    • - N. Caplen; O. Olaku (2014/11/26)
    • - Category : TRACO

    RNAi and Development in C Elegans

  • Surface Plasmon Resonance - Mass Spectrometry
    • - Roy Bar-Ziv, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel and Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University (2014/11/26)
    • - Category : WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series

    Surface Plasmon Resonance - Mass Spectrometry

  • Statistics: It???s a Confidence Game (HHS-Only)
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/11/26)
    • - Category : Conferences
    This is the first of three workshops sponsored by the NIH Office of the Director on the important topic of reproducibility, the subject of recent editorials in leading scientific journals.

    Statistics: It???s a Confidence Game (HHS-Only)

  • TRACO: P53 and Inflammation, Epidemiology
    • - C. Harris; J. Wei (2014/11/26)
    • - Category : TRACO

    TRACO: P53 and Inflammation, Epidemiology

  • Understanding Factors that Influence Health Through the Tools of The Social Sciences: Education
    • - Brian Nosek, PhD, University of Virginia (2014/11/25)
    • - Category : BSSR - Behavioral and Social Sciences
    BSSR Lecture Series

    Understanding Factors that Influence Health Through the Tools of The Social Sciences: Education

  • The Remarkable Biology of Short RNAs
    • - N. Caplen; O. Olaku (2014/11/25)
    • - Category : TRACO

    The Remarkable Biology of Short RNAs

  • The ARF Tumor Suppressor: Role in Stem Cells, Aging and Cancer (NIH-Only)
    • - Walther Mothes, Ph.D., Yale University School of Medicine (2014/11/25)
    • - Category : Special
    Third Annual David Derse Memorial Lecture and Award

    The ARF Tumor Suppressor: Role in Stem Cells, Aging and Cancer (NIH-Only)

  • Using Communication Research to Design Effective Messages for Public Health: The cases of HPV vaccine and anti-smoking PSAs
    • - Brian Nosek, PhD, University of Virginia (2014/11/24)
    • - Category : BSSR - Behavioral and Social Sciences
    BSSR Lecture Series

    Using Communication Research to Design Effective Messages for Public Health: The cases of HPV vaccine and anti-smoking PSAs

  • Role of viral RNA recognition pathways in autoimmune disease susceptibility
    • - Dr. Daniel Men??ndez, Chromosome Stability Group, Genome Integrity and Structural Biology Laboratory, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH (2014/11/24)
    • - Category : DNA Repair
    DNA Repair Interest Group videoconference

    Role of viral RNA recognition pathways in autoimmune disease susceptibility

  • Trans-NIH Research Opportunities in Pediatrics
    • - David Banks, NINR, NIH, Dr. Derrick Tabor, NIMHD, NIH, Dr. Linda Thompson, Howard University (2014/11/24)
    • - Category : Focus on You Wellness
    The Office of Research Services (ORS) Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS) in partnership with the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), the National Institutes of Nursing Research (NINR), and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) are proud to present a special, two-part Focus on You Lecture Series in November and December 2014

    Trans-NIH Research Opportunities in Pediatrics

  • NK Cells Mediate Immunomodulatory Effects of IL-2Rx-Targeted Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis
    • - Lead Presenters: (1) Irene Cortese, MD, Chief, Neuroimmunology Clinic, NINDS (2) Daniel S. Reich, MD, PhD, Chief, Translational Neuroradiology Unit, NINDS (3) Hao-Wei Wang, MD Laboratory of Pathology, NCI (4) Avindra Nath, MD Chief, Section of Infections of the Nervous System and Clinical Director, NINDS (5) Eugene Major, PhD Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Neuroscience, NINDS (2014/11/24)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Clinicopathologic Grand Rounds: Clinical Cases from the NIH Clinical Center: The Double-Edged Sword of Immunomodulatory Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis

    NK Cells Mediate Immunomodulatory Effects of IL-2Rx-Targeted Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis