전체 8345
  • Redox Biology: NADPH Oxidases, Imaging
    • - T. Leto, Ph.D., NIH; Murali Krishna, Ph.D., NIH (2014/10/31)
    • - Category : Redox Biology
    Redox Biology

    Redox Biology: NADPH Oxidases, Imaging

  • Ethical Issues in International Research - 2009 (Session 7)
    • - Christine Grady, RN, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH, Frank Miller PhD, Clinical Center, NIH, Steve Joffe, MD, MPH, University of Pennsylvania (2014/10/31)
    • - Category : Bioethics
    Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research - Session 5

    Ethical Issues in International Research - 2009 (Session 7)

  • Dissecting Cancer Pathways using the Zebrafish: Autophagy and CHK1-Suppressed Apoptosis (NIH-Only)
    • - (1) Adrian Wiestner, MD, PhD Senior Investigator and Head, Lymphoid Malignancies Section, Hematology Branch, NHLBI, NIH and (2) Dr. Mohammed Farooqui, Staff Clinician, Lymphoid Malignancies Section, Hematology Branch, NHLBI, NIH (2014/10/31)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: B-cell Receptor Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: From Pathogenesis to Targeted Therapy

    Dissecting Cancer Pathways using the Zebrafish: Autophagy and CHK1-Suppressed Apoptosis (NIH-Only)

  • Cytoskeletal dynamics in lymphocyte activation and inhibition
    • - Ron Vale, Ph.D., Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute University of California, San Francisco (2014/10/31)
    • - Category : WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series

    Cytoskeletal dynamics in lymphocyte activation and inhibition

  • Reducing Health Disparities among Hispanics through Culturally Tailored Intervention Science
    • - Dr. Alfiee Breland-Nobel, Director, The AAKOMA Project and Lab Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Georgetown University Medical Center (2014/10/31)
    • - Category : Career Development/OITE
    The NIH Academy provides trainees with an overview of the scientific, social, economic, cultural, environmental, and policy factors that contribute to health disparities. This lecture focuses on mental health and health disparities among African American youth.

    Reducing Health Disparities among Hispanics through Culturally Tailored Intervention Science

  • Risks and Benefits; Ethical Issues in Research with Children; Conflicts of Interest
    • - Dave Wendler, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH, Scott Kim, MD, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH (2014/10/30)
    • - Category : Bioethics
    Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research - Session 4

    Risks and Benefits; Ethical Issues in Research with Children; Conflicts of Interest

  • Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health
    • - (1) Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (2) Dr. Daniel S. Chertow, Assistant Clinical Investigator, Critical Care Medicine Department, NIH Clinical Center and (3) Dr. David S. Wendler, Head, Unit on Vulnerable Populations, Department of Bioethics, NIH Clinical Center (2014/10/30)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    NIH Clinical Center: Special Grand Rounds: (1) Ebola in West Africa: The Perfect Storm (2) Ebola: A Ground Level View from a Treatment Center in Liberia, and (3) Ethical Issues Raised by the Ebola Crisis

    Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health

  • Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: (1) Research Milestones: 60 Years of Clinical Research (2) The Human Mammary Tumor Virus (3) Location, Location, Location: The Mycobacterial Susceptibility Story
    • - Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the NIH, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Ph.D., Director of NIAID, H. Clifford Lane, M.D., NIAID Clinical Director, John I. Gallin, M.D., Director, NIH Clinical Center, Tara Palmore, M.D., NIH Clinical Center and Director, Infectious Diseases Training Program, NIAID, Rick Davey, M.D., NIAID Division of Clinical Research (2014/10/30)
    • - Category : Special
    NIH Clinical Center

    Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: (1) Research Milestones: 60 Years of Clinical Research (2) The Human Mammary Tumor Virus (3) Location, Location, Location: The Mycobacterial Susceptibility Story

  • Redox Biology - Imaging and Immunology
    • - T. Leto, Ph.D., NIH; Murali Krishna, Ph.D., NIH (2014/10/30)
    • - Category : Redox Biology
    Redox Biology

    Redox Biology - Imaging and Immunology

  • Dissecting Cancer Pathways using the Zebrafish: Autophagy and CHK1-Suppressed Apoptosis (NIH-Only)
    • - (1) Adrian Wiestner, MD, PhD Senior Investigator and Head, Lymphoid Malignancies Section, Hematology Branch, NHLBI and (2)Staff Clinician, Lymphoid Malignancies Section, Hematology Branch, NHLBI (2014/10/30)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: B-cell Receptor Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: From Pathogenesis to Targeted Therapy

    Dissecting Cancer Pathways using the Zebrafish: Autophagy and CHK1-Suppressed Apoptosis (NIH-Only)

  • NSABB - National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, February 2008 (Day 2)
    • - Program on Biosecurity and Biosafety Policy, NIH (2014/10/29)
    • - Category : National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
    The NSABB is a federal advisory committee that addresses issues related to biosecurity and dual use research at the request of the United States Government. The NSABB will be conducting a face-to-face meeting on October 22, 2014.

    NSABB - National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, February 2008 (Day 2)

  • Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research - Fair Subject Selection
    • - Dave Wendler, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH, Scott Kim, MD, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH (2014/10/29)
    • - Category : Bioethics
    Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research - Session 4

    Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research - Fair Subject Selection

  • Adherence, Virologic and Other Outcomes in the FEM-PrEP phase III HIV Prevention Trial in Eastern and Southern Africa
    • - (1) Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (2) Dr. Daniel S. Chertow, Assistant Clinical Investigator, Critical Care Medicine Department, NIH Clinical Center and (3) Dr. David S. Wendler, Head, Unit on Vulnerable Populations, Department of Bioethics, NIH Clinical Center (2014/10/29)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    NIH Clinical Center: Special Grand Rounds: (1) Ebola in West Africa: The Perfect Storm (2) Ebola: A Ground Level View from a Treatment Center in Liberia, and (3) Ethical Issues Raised by the Ebola Crisis

    Adherence, Virologic and Other Outcomes in the FEM-PrEP phase III HIV Prevention Trial in Eastern and Southern Africa

  • Targeting Inflammation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NIH-Only)
    • - N. Caporaso, NIH; S. Perwez Hussain, NIH (2014/10/29)
    • - Category : TRACO

    Targeting Inflammation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NIH-Only)

  • Redox Biology 2014 - Inflammation, Epidemiology
    • - Jim Mitchell, Ph.D., NIH; L. Ridnour, Ph.D., NIH (2014/10/28)
    • - Category : Redox Biology
    Redox Biology

    Redox Biology 2014 - Inflammation, Epidemiology

  • Public Consultation Meeting of the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) Personnel Reliability Working Group
    • - Program on Biosecurity and Biosafety Policy, NIH (2014/10/28)
    • - Category : National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
    The NSABB is a federal advisory committee that addresses issues related to biosecurity and dual use research at the request of the United States Government. The NSABB will be conducting a face-to-face meeting on October 22, 2014.

    Public Consultation Meeting of the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) Personnel Reliability Working Group

  • Ebola Virus Infection
    • - Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the NIH, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Ph.D., Director of NIAID, H. Clifford Lane, M.D., NIAID Clinical Director, John I. Gallin, M.D., Director, NIH Clinical Center, Tara Palmore, M.D., NIH Clinical Center and Director, Infectious Diseases Training Program, NIAID, Rick Davey, M.D., NIAID Division of Clinical Research (2014/10/28)
    • - Category : Special
    NIH Clinical Center

    Ebola Virus Infection

  • Risks and Benefits; Research Involving Persons at Risk for Impaired Decision-Making; Clinical Research with Pregnant Woman
    • - Dave Wendler, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH, Scott Kim, MD, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH (2014/10/25)
    • - Category : Bioethics
    Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research - Session 4

    Risks and Benefits; Research Involving Persons at Risk for Impaired Decision-Making; Clinical Research with Pregnant Woman

  • Research on Anthrax Toxin Appearing in the Journal Nature - Press Briefing
    • - NIH (2014/10/25)
    • - Category : Special
    NIH Clinical Center

    Research on Anthrax Toxin Appearing in the Journal Nature - Press Briefing

  • Risks and Benefits; Research Involving Persons at Risk for Impaired Decision-Making; Clinical Research with Pregnant Woman
    • - Dave Wendler, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH, Scott Kim, MD, PhD, Clinical Center, NIH (2014/10/24)
    • - Category : Bioethics
    Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research - Session 4

    Risks and Benefits; Research Involving Persons at Risk for Impaired Decision-Making; Clinical Research with Pregnant Woman