전체 8345
  • National Library of Medicine Board of Regents - September 2013 (Day 1)
    • - Dr. Donald A.B. Lindberg, NLM, NIH (2014/09/14)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings
    NLM Advisory Council Meeting

    National Library of Medicine Board of Regents - September 2013 (Day 1)

  • Welfare Reform: Long-Term Implications for the Development of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
    • - Kenneth Langa, MD, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine, Gerontology, and Health Management and Policy, University of Michigan (2014/09/14)
    • - Category : BSSR - Behavioral and Social Sciences
    BSSR Lecture

    Welfare Reform: Long-Term Implications for the Development of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults

  • Office of Research on Womens Health Symposium on Family Hormonal Health
    • - NIAAA, NIH (2014/09/13)
    • - Category : Conferences
    The purpose of this workshop is to highlight recent progress in the understanding of neuroimmune mechanisms contributing to brain function and alcohol use disorders. It will bring together scientists from both alcohol and other research fields to highlight recent science advances, identify research gaps, and discuss possible challenges in this area.

    Office of Research on Womens Health Symposium on Family Hormonal Health

  • Memory and the Aging Brain
    • - Dr. Etienne Sibille, University of Toronto (2014/09/13)
    • - Category : Geroscience
    GeroScience Interest Group (GSIG) Summer Seminar

    Memory and the Aging Brain

  • September 2003 National Advisory Mental Health Council
    • - James M. Anderson, MD, Ph.D, NIH (2014/09/13)
    • - Category : Council of Councils
    The Council of Councils was created by the NIH Reform Act of 2006, and advises on matters related to the policies and activities of DPCPSI, including concept clearance of selected initiatives for Common Fund support and proposed Office of Research Infrastructure Program (ORIP) initiatives. The Council conducts second-level review for selected Common Fund and ORIP initiatives.

    September 2003 National Advisory Mental Health Council

  • Pre-Submissions Meeting for Requests-for-Applications
    • - Office of Cancer Nanotechnology Research, NCI, NIH (2014/09/13)
    • - Category : Special
    NCI???s OCNR recently announced new funding opportunities: the Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence ??? U54 (RFA-CA-14-013) and the Innovative Research in Cancer Nanotechnology ??? U01 (PAR-14-285). In order to help all applicants in the process of submitting their applications, we will hold two** ???pre-application??? question and answer meetings, which will be publically accessible, on Friday September 5th, 2014 via this VideoCast and Teleconference.

    Pre-Submissions Meeting for Requests-for-Applications

  • Transdisciplinary Tobacco Research Centers Pre-Application Meeting
    • - Office of Cancer Nanotechnology Research, NCI, NIH (2014/09/13)
    • - Category : Special
    NCI???s OCNR recently announced new funding opportunities: the Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence ??? U54 (RFA-CA-14-013) and the Innovative Research in Cancer Nanotechnology ??? U01 (PAR-14-285). In order to help all applicants in the process of submitting their applications, we will hold two** ???pre-application??? question and answer meetings, which will be publically accessible, on Friday September 5th, 2014 via this VideoCast and Teleconference.

    Transdisciplinary Tobacco Research Centers Pre-Application Meeting

  • The Skin and the Eye
    • - Frederick S. Southwick, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine and Quality Projects Manager for the Senior Vice President for Health Affairs, University of Florida Health (2014/09/13)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Medical Mistakes: Why Do They Happen and How Can We Prevent Them?

    The Skin and the Eye

  • Getting at Why People Change
    • - NIAAA, NIH (2014/09/12)
    • - Category : Conferences
    The purpose of this workshop is to highlight recent progress in the understanding of neuroimmune mechanisms contributing to brain function and alcohol use disorders. It will bring together scientists from both alcohol and other research fields to highlight recent science advances, identify research gaps, and discuss possible challenges in this area.

    Getting at Why People Change

  • Sham Neurosurgical Procedures in Clinical Trials for Neurodegenerative Diseases: Scientific and Ethical Considerations (Day 1)
    • - (1) Camilo Toro, MD, Staff Clinician, Neurology, Undiagnosed Diseases Program, NHGRI, NIH and 2) Bryan Traynor, MD, PhD Senior Investigator and Chief, Neuromuscular Diseases Research Section, Laboratory of Neurogenetics, NIA, NIH. (2014/09/12)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in the Genomics Age: Facts, Uncertainties and the Way Forward

    Sham Neurosurgical Procedures in Clinical Trials for Neurodegenerative Diseases: Scientific and Ethical Considerations (Day 1)

  • Regulatory and Epigenetic Landscapes of Mammalian Genomes
    • - Andrew P. Feinberg, M.P.H., M.D., Gilman Scholar and Professor of Medicine Director, Center for Epigenetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2014/09/12)
    • - Category : WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series

    Regulatory and Epigenetic Landscapes of Mammalian Genomes

  • National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council Meeting - June 2009
    • - James M. Anderson, MD, Ph.D, NIH (2014/09/12)
    • - Category : Council of Councils
    The Council of Councils was created by the NIH Reform Act of 2006, and advises on matters related to the policies and activities of DPCPSI, including concept clearance of selected initiatives for Common Fund support and proposed Office of Research Infrastructure Program (ORIP) initiatives. The Council conducts second-level review for selected Common Fund and ORIP initiatives.

    National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council Meeting - June 2009

  • Pre-Application Meeting for RFA-CA-09-010
    • - Office of Cancer Nanotechnology Research, NCI, NIH (2014/09/12)
    • - Category : Special
    NCI???s OCNR recently announced new funding opportunities: the Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence ??? U54 (RFA-CA-14-013) and the Innovative Research in Cancer Nanotechnology ??? U01 (PAR-14-285). In order to help all applicants in the process of submitting their applications, we will hold two** ???pre-application??? question and answer meetings, which will be publically accessible, on Friday September 5th, 2014 via this VideoCast and Teleconference.

    Pre-Application Meeting for RFA-CA-09-010

  • Academic CAT Track: Job Interviews
    • - Dr. Sharon L. Milgram, Director, NIH Office of Intramural Traning & Education (2014/09/11)
    • - Category : Career Development/OITE
    As you begin your search for an academic job, it is important to be aware of all the aspects of this complex process. This workshop provides an overview of what you need to do to ensure a productive academic job search. Topics covered in this session include: finding job opportunities, assessing your goals, preparing your application packet, and preparing for interviews.

    Academic CAT Track: Job Interviews

  • Medicine: Mind the Gap - Cancer Care: The Patients Role, Palliative Care, and Implications for Health Policy
    • - Piyush K. Agarwal, MD, Head, Bladder Cancer Section, Urologic Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, NIH (2014/09/11)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: Challenges in Health Care Delivery: From the Iron Triangle to the Three Aims

    Medicine: Mind the Gap - Cancer Care: The Patients Role, Palliative Care, and Implications for Health Policy

  • History of Aldrich and Sigma-Aldrich, with Advice to Young Scientists
    • - NINDS, NIH (2014/09/11)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings
    Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Multi-council Working Group on August 25, 2014

    History of Aldrich and Sigma-Aldrich, with Advice to Young Scientists

  • Great Teachers - Drug Addiction: Neurobiology of Disrupted Free Will
    • - NIAAA, NIH (2014/09/11)
    • - Category : Conferences
    The purpose of this workshop is to highlight recent progress in the understanding of neuroimmune mechanisms contributing to brain function and alcohol use disorders. It will bring together scientists from both alcohol and other research fields to highlight recent science advances, identify research gaps, and discuss possible challenges in this area.

    Great Teachers - Drug Addiction: Neurobiology of Disrupted Free Will

  • NIH Research Festival 2007 - Chromosomes in Modern Biology and Medicine
    • - Andrew P. Feinberg, M.P.H., M.D., Gilman Scholar and Professor of Medicine Director, Center for Epigenetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2014/09/11)
    • - Category : WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series

    NIH Research Festival 2007 - Chromosomes in Modern Biology and Medicine

  • Council of Councils - September 2013
    • - James M. Anderson, MD, Ph.D, NIH (2014/09/11)
    • - Category : Council of Councils
    The Council of Councils was created by the NIH Reform Act of 2006, and advises on matters related to the policies and activities of DPCPSI, including concept clearance of selected initiatives for Common Fund support and proposed Office of Research Infrastructure Program (ORIP) initiatives. The Council conducts second-level review for selected Common Fund and ORIP initiatives.

    Council of Councils - September 2013

  • Science for All - Blast from the Past: Early Influences on Long-Term Health
    • - Andrew P. Feinberg, M.P.H., M.D., Gilman Scholar and Professor of Medicine Director, Center for Epigenetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2014/09/10)
    • - Category : WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series

    Science for All - Blast from the Past: Early Influences on Long-Term Health