전체 8345
  • Glycoproteomic analysis of HIV envelope proteins, with a focus towards vaccine development
    • - Lut Van Damme MD, PhD (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation); Amy Corneli, PhD, MPH (Family Health International (FHI) 360); Jennifer Deese, MPH (FHI 360) (2014/08/13)
    • - Category : Special
    NIH Global Health Interest Group

    Glycoproteomic analysis of HIV envelope proteins, with a focus towards vaccine development

  • Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Medical Education Research as Translational Science
    • - Jeanne Braha, MEM, Public Engagement Manager American Association for the Advancement of Science (2014/08/12)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: Science Communication and Public Engagement

    Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Medical Education Research as Translational Science

  • Tenofovir Gel: New Hope for HIV Prevention in Women
    • - Lut Van Damme MD, PhD (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation); Amy Corneli, PhD, MPH (Family Health International (FHI) 360); Jennifer Deese, MPH (FHI 360) (2014/08/12)
    • - Category : Special
    NIH Global Health Interest Group

    Tenofovir Gel: New Hope for HIV Prevention in Women

  • CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: Lessons Learned and Hope and Concerns for the Future
    • - Jeanne Braha, MEM, Public Engagement Manager American Association for the Advancement of Science (2014/08/09)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: Science Communication and Public Engagement

    CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: Lessons Learned and Hope and Concerns for the Future

  • Scientific Management Review Board Meeting - July 2012
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/08/08)
    • - Category : Scientific Management Review Board
    Advisory Board Meeting

    Scientific Management Review Board Meeting - July 2012

  • NIH Research Festival 2007 - Chromosomes in Modern Biology and Medicine
    • - National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH (2014/08/08)
    • - Category : Conferences
    NIGMS Medical Scientist Training Program Symposium - 50 Years of training Physician Scientists

    NIH Research Festival 2007 - Chromosomes in Modern Biology and Medicine

  • 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, First Meeting - Day 1
    • - HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014/08/08)
    • - Category : Advisory
    This is the fourth meeting of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). The DGAC will develop an advisory report for the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and of Agriculture. This Committee???s advisory report will provide the scientific basis for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans policy document developed by the Federal government.

    2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, First Meeting - Day 1

  • NCI Science Writers??? Seminar on Cancer Rates in Minority Populations
    • - NIH OD Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Hispanic Portfolio Strategist (2014/08/08)
    • - Category : Hispanic Heritage
    Funded by the HHS Office of Minority Health through the National Umbrella Cooperative Agreement II Grant and in collaboration by the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, this two-day workshop aims to help prepare scholars interested in Hispanic health research.

    NCI Science Writers??? Seminar on Cancer Rates in Minority Populations

  • Training on Human Subjects Protections: Part 2
    • - Kristina Borror, Ph.D., Office for Human Research Protections, HHS (2014/08/08)
    • - Category : Special
    The current HHS regulations for the protection of human subjects in research state that institutions are required to have written procedures for ensuring prompt reporting to the IRB, appropriate institutional officials, OHRP, and the department or agency head of any unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others, any serious or continuing noncompliance with the regulations or the requirements or determinations of the IRB, and any suspension or termination of IRB approval.

    Training on Human Subjects Protections: Part 2

  • CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: Lessons Learned and Hope and Concerns for the Future
    • - Jeanne Braha, MEM, Public Engagement Manager American Association for the Advancement of Science (2014/08/08)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: Science Communication and Public Engagement

    CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: Lessons Learned and Hope and Concerns for the Future

  • Scientific Management Review Board: Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction Working Group
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Scientific Management Review Board
    Advisory Board Meeting

    Scientific Management Review Board: Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction Working Group

  • Scientific Management Review Board Meeting - July 2012
    • - Office of the Director, NIH (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Scientific Management Review Board
    Advisory Board Meeting

    Scientific Management Review Board Meeting - July 2012

  • Supporting Caregivers Across the Lifespan
    • - HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Advisory
    This is the fourth meeting of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). The DGAC will develop an advisory report for the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and of Agriculture. This Committee???s advisory report will provide the scientific basis for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans policy document developed by the Federal government.

    Supporting Caregivers Across the Lifespan

  • NIH Public Consultation on "Synthetic Nucleic Acids and the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules"
    • - HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Advisory
    This is the fourth meeting of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). The DGAC will develop an advisory report for the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and of Agriculture. This Committee???s advisory report will provide the scientific basis for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans policy document developed by the Federal government.

    NIH Public Consultation on "Synthetic Nucleic Acids and the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules"

  • Antipoverty Vaccines for the Worlds Neglected Diseases
    • - Jonathan Samet, Director at the USC Institute of Global Health at the University of Southern California (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Special
    NCI Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis

    Antipoverty Vaccines for the Worlds Neglected Diseases

  • Scaling Up The Social Networks Revolution in Health
    • - John Pierce, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Family and Prevention Medicine, University of California, San Diego and Director of Population Science at Moores Cancer Center (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Special
    Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture

    Scaling Up The Social Networks Revolution in Health

  • Training on Human Subjects Protections: Part 2
    • - Kristina Borror, Ph.D., Office for Human Research Protections, HHS (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Special
    The current HHS regulations for the protection of human subjects in research state that institutions are required to have written procedures for ensuring prompt reporting to the IRB, appropriate institutional officials, OHRP, and the department or agency head of any unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others, any serious or continuing noncompliance with the regulations or the requirements or determinations of the IRB, and any suspension or termination of IRB approval.

    Training on Human Subjects Protections: Part 2

  • Health Without Boundaries: Rethinking Global and Domestic Health
    • - NIH OD Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Hispanic Portfolio Strategist (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Hispanic Heritage
    Funded by the HHS Office of Minority Health through the National Umbrella Cooperative Agreement II Grant and in collaboration by the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, this two-day workshop aims to help prepare scholars interested in Hispanic health research.

    Health Without Boundaries: Rethinking Global and Domestic Health

  • Mysterious Cases
    • - Jeanne Braha, MEM, Public Engagement Manager American Association for the Advancement of Science (2014/08/07)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: Science Communication and Public Engagement

    Mysterious Cases

  • NIH Graduate and Professional School Fair - MD/PhD: Is It Right for Me?
    • - National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH (2014/08/04)
    • - Category : Conferences
    NIGMS Medical Scientist Training Program Symposium - 50 Years of training Physician Scientists

    NIH Graduate and Professional School Fair - MD/PhD: Is It Right for Me?