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운영자님의 답변
2000-11-16- 0
>세계적으로 무윤활 가공기술에 대한 연구가 없나요..? > >제가 알기론 일본의 어느 업체가 무윤활 드릴링 머신을 개발하였다고 알고 있는데... > >이 분야의 정보를 아시는 분은 연락주셔요.. > >E-mail : hyw004@kistep.re.kr 회원님께서 하신 질문의 범위가 모호합니다. 질문내용을 좀 좁혀 주시기 바랍니다. -
성창모님의 답변
2000-11-17- 0
>>세계적으로 무윤활 가공기술에 대한 연구가 없나요..? >> >>제가 알기론 일본의 어느 업체가 무윤활 드릴링 머신을 개발하였다고 알고 있는데... >> >>이 분야의 정보를 아시는 분은 연락주셔요.. >> >>E-mail : hyw004@kistep.re.kr > >회원님께서 하신 질문의 범위가 모호합니다. 질문내용을 좀 좁혀 주시기 바랍니다. --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are looking for a technology related to dry machining, these are published papers in US. Minimum lubrication in the drilling process of aluminum-silicon alloy - A356 (SAE 323) Braga, Durval U. (State Univ of Campinas) Diniz, Anselmo E. | Miranda, Gilberto W.A. | Coppini, Nivaldo L. Source: Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. MR MR99-236 Oct 4-Oct 7 1999 1999 SME p 1-13 Abstract: There are many factors that justify the use of dry machining and machining with minimum volume of oil, including the costs of lubrication, the damage caused by the use of lubricants, etc. The main objective of this work is to check the performance of minimum lubrication technique compared with the application of soluble oil in the drilling of aluminum-silicon alloy using uncoated and diamond coated carbide drills. The most important conclusion is that the performance of the process when using minimum lubrication was very similar to that obtained when using flood of soluble oil. In English 21 Refs. New directions in drilling Cselle, Tibor (Guhring Inc) Source: Manufacturing Engineering 115 2 Aug 1995 SME 3p 0361-0853 Abstract: Efforts are being made at Guhring Inc. to develop a high speed drilling technology with a reduced coolant requirement. The benefits of dry machining over coolant-fed drills are also discussed including the recyclability of dry chips resulting from dry machining. Several innovations were developed by Guhring including the beam sparkling approach which involves the use of plant-derived oil for lubrication and the use of ultrafine-grain carbide grade cutting tools. In English EI95092838744 Ecological cutting: Feasible or not? De Bruyn, K. (WTCM-Oppervlakteveredeling) Crauwels, N. | Van Stappen, M. | Perremans, P. | Celis, J.P. | Stals, L. Source: Journal of Synthetic Lubrication 16 2 1999 Leaf Coppin Publ Ltd p 115-127 0265-6582 Abstract: This paper describes the results of a two-year research project on ecological cutting, in which four different applications, namely, cutting, pocket milling, face milling, and drilling, were investigated under dry and lubricated conditions. A traditional cutting fluid and an environmentally friendly cutting fluid were used for the latter. TiN-, Ti(C,N), and (Ti, Al)N-coated tools were tested, together with commercially-available multilayer coated tools, to analyze to what extent the use of coatings could reduce or even eliminate the need for cutting fluids. The machined materials include an unalloyed steel, 1.0503, a low alloyed steel, 1.2312, a stainless steel, 1.4306, and cast iron, ADI. End-of-life tests were done in all cases and the wear of the tools was examined with SEM. The research showed that the results are strongly dependent on the application. For cutting, coated tools result in the best tool lives although tools used under lubricated conditions still outperform their dry used counterparts. For milling, dry machining is advantageous. The drilling tests showed better results under lubricated conditions mainly due to the cooling and chip removal capacity of the lubricants. In this case, the (Ti,Al)N-coated drill outperformed the commercially available coated tool. In English 5 Refs. Development of new metal cutting oils with quantifiable performance characteristics Hewson, W. Donald (Imperial Oil) Gerow, G. Keith Source: Lubrication Engineering 52 1 Jan 1996 Soc of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers p 31-38 0024-7154 Abstract: The development of new metal cutting oils with quantifiable performance characteristics has been accomplished using the Falex Tapping Torque Test Machine. The multipoint tapping operation is considered to be severe relative to milling, drilling, turning, and honing. Determination of an oil's cutting efficiency is a statistical process using a production type three-flute metric tap M10 × 1.5 mm revolving at 243 rpm and many specimen nut blanks. An average of ten tapping torque values for a test oil was compared to an average of ten tapping torque values for the calibration oil. Five calibration torque values were obtained before and five values after the test oil. Cutting efficiencies were repeatable ± two percent. This approach has been used to quantify the performance of the existing products, compare products in the marketplace, and search for novel cutting aid additives. Tap life studies showed promise and reasonable trends but were frequently thwarted by the chaotic nature of the wear of cutting edges. In English 9 Refs. EI96023025077 Today's applications and future developments of coatings for drills and rotating cutting tools Cselle, T. (Guehring KG) Barimani, A. Source: Surface & Coatings Technology 76-77 1-3 pt 2 Dec 1995 Elsevier Science S.A. p 712-718 0257-8972 Abstract: According to the sold value, 40% of all cutting tools are coated in industry today. This paper summarizes the most important application field of conventional and new coatings for cutting tools. There are two opposing development trends in the cutting industry today: (1) in dry machining the user wants to work without coolant to save the environment and production costs; (2) in high speed machining (HSC) the cutting parameters can be increased by a factor of 4-10. Aside from increasing productivity, multi-spindle heads can be replaced by one spindle, increasing the flexibility enormously. With both technologies much greater heat is produced than under normal cutting conditions. The cutting materials must have a high warm hardness and cannot work without a good heat isolation coating between the hot chips and the tool body. This paper gives an overview of the latest industrial applications of different coatings for dry and HSC cutting and characterizes the most important requirements of future coatings for cutting tools. In English 11 Refs. EI96013009682 Applicability of different hard coatings in dry machining an austenitic steel Lahres, Michael; Doerfel, Oliver; Neumueller, Ralf Author Affiliation: DaimlerChrysler Source: Surface and Coatings Technology 120 Apr 12-Apr 15 1999 1999 Elsevier Sequoia SA p 687-691 0257-8972 In English New hard/lubricant coating for dry machining Derflinger, V.; Brandle, H.; Zimmermann, H. Author Affiliation: Balzers Ltd Source: Surface and Coatings Technology v 113 n 3 Mar 31 1999 Elsevier Sequoia SA p 286-292 0257-8972 In English How to use PVD coatings to achieve high speed and/or dry machining McCabe, Michael J. Author Affiliation: Balzers Tool Coating Inc Source: Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. FC Sep 9-16 1998 1998 SME 10p 0161-1844 In English Properties and dry cutting performance of diamond-coated tools Lahres, M.; Joergensen, G. Author Affiliation: Daimler-Benz AG Source: Surface & Coatings Technology v 96 n 2-3 Nov 25 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. p 198-204 0257-8972 In English Dry cutting Klocke, F.; Eisenblaetter, G. Author Affiliation: RWTH Aachen Source: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology v 46 n 2 1997 Hallwag Publ Ltd p 519-526 0007-8506 In English New advanced ceramic for dry machining Narutaki, N.; Yamane, Y.; Tashima, S.; Kuroki, H. Author Affiliation: Hiroshima Univ Source: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology v 46 n 1 1997 Int Inst for Production Engineering Research p 43-46 0007-8506 In English