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"DGAT2 Inhibition Potentiates Lipid Droplet Formation To Reduce Cytotoxicity in APOL1 Kidney Risk Variants"

위의 논문을 보던 중에 APOL1G2/G2 kidney organoids에 DGAT2i를 처리하였을때 lipid droplet이 증가하는 이유를 정확히 이해하지 못하겠습니다. 혹시 이해되시는 분은 설명부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. 

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  • apolipoprotein L1
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    한민준님의 답변

    We previously demonstrated the protective effect of promoting LD formation in the context of APOL1 risk variant
    overexpression.4 DGAT1 and DGAT2 are key enzymes
    important for the final step in LD formation. DGAT1 inhibition is known to inhibit LD formation thus leading to a
    reduction in the number of LDs in cells, but some studies
    have shown that DGAT2 inhibition can lead to a paradoxical increase of LDs.40?42 Therefore, we hypothesized that
    DGAT2 inhibition could increase both LD size and number, leading to both recruitment of APOL1G2/G2 and
    improved cell survival
    We previously demonstrated the protective effect of promoting LD formation in the context of APOL1 risk variant
    overexpression.4 DGAT1 and DGAT2 are key enzymes
    important for the final step in LD formation. DGAT1 inhibition is known to inhibit LD formation thus leading to a
    reduction in the number of LDs in cells, but some studies
    have shown that DGAT2 inhibition can lead to a paradoxical increase of LDs.40?42 Therefore, we hypothesized that
    DGAT2 inhibition could increase both LD size and number, leading to both recruitment of APOL1G2/G2 and
    improved cell survival
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