광주과학기술원 기능성 산화물 나노구조 연구실 입니다.
Complex oxides exhibit the fascinating functionalities, including ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism, piezoelectricity, and ferroelasticity. With the mechanical constraints in the form of nanostructures, these functionalities and even their dynamic phenomena can be enhanced and dramatically changed.
We aim to fabricate the functional oxide nanostructures and study these properties at nanoscale using various microscopies, i.e., scanning probe microscopy and structural x-ray probe. We will study the functionalities and external field-driven dynamics of oxide nanostructures with our unique combined scanning probe microscopy+ time-resolved x-ray microdiffraction technique.
We aim to fabricate the functional oxide nanostructures and study these properties at nanoscale using various microscopies, i.e., scanning probe microscopy and structural x-ray probe. We will study the functionalities and external field-driven dynamics of oxide nanostructures with our unique combined scanning probe microscopy+ time-resolved x-ray microdiffraction technique.