Dopamine release into target brain regions can either be tonic (low steady levels of neurotransmitter) or phasic (transient high concentrations of neurotransmitter). These patterns are thought to play distinct roles in modulating the function of numerous circuits in the brain that regulate motor function, motivation, and emotion. The mechanisms responsible for determining these patterns of activity are thought to involve distinct neurotransmitter systems impinging upon dopamine neurons, as well as a complement of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels. We discovered that the NMDA-type glutamate receptor works in a cell-autonomous manner to regulate phasic activation of dopamine neurons and that genetic inactivation of the gene encoding the essential subunit of the NMDA receptor (Grin1) impairs an animal’s ability to learn outcome contingencies effectively. We also have discovered that a mutation in the calcium activated potassium channel SK3 identified in a patient with schizophrenia potently enhances phasic activation of dopamine neurons. Selective expression of this mutation in dopamine neurons perturbs behavior leading to many phenotypes associated with mental illness. Utilizing genetic techniques we are now beginning to unravel how these genes influence circuit dynamics in the brain that are responsible for regulating numerous behaviors.
#Dopamine #cerebellum #Sexual dimorphism of dopamine systems #Phasic dopamine #cortico-striatal connectivity
University of Washington (학교)
206-616-9183 https://depts.washington.edu/zweifel/
Larry Zweifel @