Welcome to Advanced Materials and Nano-electronic Devices Laboratory
The creation of advanced materials and their related processes in the future electronics industry has led to many innovations. Enhancements in electronic device performance can be directly linked to advances in material growth and fabrication development. Our research mainly focus on materials growth and fabrication issues for electronic devices including low power consumption and high mobility FET, opto-electronic devices, and sensors.
The creation of advanced materials and their related processes in the future electronics industry has led to many innovations. Enhancements in electronic device performance can be directly linked to advances in material growth and fabrication development. Our research mainly focus on materials growth and fabrication issues for electronic devices including low power consumption and high mobility FET, opto-electronic devices, and sensors.
전북대학교 (학교)
063-270-2559 http://sites.google.com/site/amndlaboratory18/
김태완 twkim@jbnu.ac.kr