Industrial Environmental Performance Metrics
Industrial Environmental Performance Metrics: Challenges and Opportunities
Committee on Industrial Environmental Performance Metrics, National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council
264 pages , 6 x 9, 1999
ISBN Binding List Price Web Discount Price Add to Shopping Cart
0-309-06242-X paperback $54.95 $43.96
Industrial Environmental Performance Metrics is a corporate-focused analysis that brings clarity and practicality to the complex issues of environmental metrics in industry. The book examines the metrics implications to businesses as their responsibilities expand beyond the factory gate--upstream to suppliers and downstream to products and services. It examines implications that arise from greater demand for comparability of metrics among businesses by the investment community and environmental interest groups. The controversy over what sustainable development means for businesses is also addressed.
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분석은 20쪽 내외로 해주시면 되겠습니다
Committee on Industrial Environmental Performance Metrics, National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council
264 pages , 6 x 9, 1999
ISBN Binding List Price Web Discount Price Add to Shopping Cart
0-309-06242-X paperback $54.95 $43.96
Industrial Environmental Performance Metrics is a corporate-focused analysis that brings clarity and practicality to the complex issues of environmental metrics in industry. The book examines the metrics implications to businesses as their responsibilities expand beyond the factory gate--upstream to suppliers and downstream to products and services. It examines implications that arise from greater demand for comparability of metrics among businesses by the investment community and environmental interest groups. The controversy over what sustainable development means for businesses is also addressed.
원본은 인터넷으로 구매하실 수 있습니다. 분석을 원하시는 분이 책을 직접 구매하신 후 분석 후 저희에게 발송해 주시면 책 구입 비용과 우송료를 별도로 지불해 드립니다. (영수증 첨부 필요)
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