Optical Science and Engineering for the 21st Century
Optical science and engineering affect almost every aspect of our lives. Millions of miles of optical fiber carry voice and data signals around the world. Lasers are used in surgery of the retina, kidneys, and heart. New high-efficiency light sources promise dramatic reductions in electricity consumption. Night-vision equipment and satellite surveillance are changing how wars are fought. Industry uses optical methods in everything from the production of computer chips to the construction of tunnels. Harnessing Light surveys this multitude of applications, as well as the status of the optics industry and of research and education in optics, and identifies actions that could enhance the field's contributions to society and facilitate its continued technical development.
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원본은 인터넷으로 구매하실 수 있습니다. 분석을 원하시는 분이 책을 직접 구매하신 후 분석 후 저희에게 발송해 주시면 책 구입 비용과 우송료를 별도로 지불해 드립니다. (영수증 첨부 필요) 해당 사이트에서 본문을 보실 수도 있습니다.
본문은 360쪽이고, 분석은 20쪽 내외로 해주시면 되겠습니다.