Science & Technology Policy - 영어
This report contains translations/transcriptions of articles and/or broadcasts from the USSR on science and technology policy. Titles include: Academy of Sciences Bureaucracy Growing Despite Perestroyka; Advantages, Problems with Lend-Leasing in R&D; Problems in Equipping Schools with Computers; Soviet Programmers Form Joint Venture with Olivetti; Scientist Debate Reoccupation of Chernobyl Radiation Zones; Effect of Cost Accounting on Scientific Research; Lithuanian State Prizes for S&T Awarded; and others.
NTIS Order Number: ADA357895INP
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NTIS Order Number: ADA357895INP
To order, call the NTIS sales desk at 1-800-553-6847 or (703)-605-6000. This product may also be ordered by fax at (703) 605-6900. NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161
분석을 원하시는 분이 책을 직접 구매하셔서 분석 후 저희에게 발송해 주시면 책 구입 비용과 우송료를 별도로 지불해 드립니다. (영수증 첨부 필요)
분석은 20쪽 내외로 해주시면 되겠습니다.