United Kingdom SPACE : strategy 1999-2002
- Foreword by the Minister for Science
- Introduction
- A Straegy for UK Space
- Competitiveness
- Europe
- Astronomy and space exploration
- Telecommunications
- Navigation
- Environmental science and information services
- Military use of space
- Critical enabling technologies
- Small satellites
- Technology transfer
- Launch systems
- Space environment
- Improving the knowledge base
- Life and physical sciences in space
원문은 Multi TIF 파일로 작성되어 있고 본문은 59쪽입니다. 분석은 5쪽 내외로 해주시면 되겠습니다
- Introduction
- A Straegy for UK Space
- Competitiveness
- Europe
- Astronomy and space exploration
- Telecommunications
- Navigation
- Environmental science and information services
- Military use of space
- Critical enabling technologies
- Small satellites
- Technology transfer
- Launch systems
- Space environment
- Improving the knowledge base
- Life and physical sciences in space
원문은 Multi TIF 파일로 작성되어 있고 본문은 59쪽입니다. 분석은 5쪽 내외로 해주시면 되겠습니다