Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Tehcnology Research Directions
제가 한번 분석해보고 싶습니다. 저의 전공은 MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System)이고 현재 BioMEMS project를 하면서 Nano science에 많은 관심을 가지고 있습니다. 연락 부탁드립니다.
Jeong-Bong (J.B.) Lee, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5901
Tel: (225)388-5621, Fax: (225)388-5200,
>미국 에너지부(Department of Energy)의 기초에너지과학국(Office of Basic Energy Science)을 위해 Oak Ridge national Laboratory(ORNL)에서 만든 보고서입니다. 본문은 72쪽이고 7~10쪽으로 분석을 해주실 분은 아래에 신청글을 달아주십시오.
>This report describes important future research directions in nanoscale science, engineering and technology. It was prepared in connection with an anticipated national research initiative on nanotechnology for the twenty-first century. The research directions described are not expected to be inclusive but illustrate the wide range of research opportunities and challenges that could be undertaken through the national laboratories and their major national scientific user facilities with the support of universities and industry.
>Emergence of properties at Multiple Length and Time Scales
>Manipulation and Coupling of Properties at the Nanoscale
>Controlled Synthesis and processing at the Nanoscale
>Nanoscale Precursors and Assembly
>Understanding and mimicking Biological Functions
>Hybrid Systems: Integrating Functionality
>Nanoscale Instrumentation
>Infrastructure and Facilities for Nanoscale Science and Technology
Jeong-Bong (J.B.) Lee, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5901
Tel: (225)388-5621, Fax: (225)388-5200,
>미국 에너지부(Department of Energy)의 기초에너지과학국(Office of Basic Energy Science)을 위해 Oak Ridge national Laboratory(ORNL)에서 만든 보고서입니다. 본문은 72쪽이고 7~10쪽으로 분석을 해주실 분은 아래에 신청글을 달아주십시오.
>This report describes important future research directions in nanoscale science, engineering and technology. It was prepared in connection with an anticipated national research initiative on nanotechnology for the twenty-first century. The research directions described are not expected to be inclusive but illustrate the wide range of research opportunities and challenges that could be undertaken through the national laboratories and their major national scientific user facilities with the support of universities and industry.
>Emergence of properties at Multiple Length and Time Scales
>Manipulation and Coupling of Properties at the Nanoscale
>Controlled Synthesis and processing at the Nanoscale
>Nanoscale Precursors and Assembly
>Understanding and mimicking Biological Functions
>Hybrid Systems: Integrating Functionality
>Nanoscale Instrumentation
>Infrastructure and Facilities for Nanoscale Science and Technology