25th IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN '00) 리포트 신청
한국정보통신대학원 박사과정 윤원용이라고 합니다.
11월 8 - 10 일까지 플로리다 탐파에서 개최되는 LCN 컨퍼런스에 참여하게 되었습니다.
이 학회는 컴퓨터 통신 분야에 관한 논문이 발표됩니다. 9-10일까지는 논문 발표와 패널토의가
있고, 8일에는 튜토리얼이 있는데 저는 8일 Internet QoS에 관한 튜토리얼과 9-10일 논문, 패널
세션에 참석 및 발표할 것입니다.
컨퍼런스 리포트를 신청합니다.
The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, sponsored by the
IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Computer
Communications, is one of networking's longest, continuously running
conferences. The LCN focuses on practical, leading-edge applications and
research in the area of computer networks. It has an informal,
workshop-style atmosphere, offering significant opportunity for speakers,
panelists, and attendees to spend unstructured time together. The papers
presented at the LCN are subject to thorough peer review and are published
in the LCN Proceedings. Attendees come from around the world, including
North America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim. Both industry and academia
are well represented. Topics of papers and panel sessions include high-speed
networking, high-performance protocols, local, metropolitan, and wide area
networks, internetworking, network and protocol design, wireless networks,
routing and switching, multimedia, ATM and gigabit LANs, networking to/at
home and office, security, object oriented communications, distributed
systems, and real-time networks. Keynote speakers in past years include
Dave Clark, Dev Vrat Gupta, Raj Jain, Peter Newman, Craig Partridge,
Radia Perlman, Larry Roberts, Howard Salwen, Tim Wild, and Stephen
한국정보통신대학원 박사과정 윤원용이라고 합니다.
11월 8 - 10 일까지 플로리다 탐파에서 개최되는 LCN 컨퍼런스에 참여하게 되었습니다.
이 학회는 컴퓨터 통신 분야에 관한 논문이 발표됩니다. 9-10일까지는 논문 발표와 패널토의가
있고, 8일에는 튜토리얼이 있는데 저는 8일 Internet QoS에 관한 튜토리얼과 9-10일 논문, 패널
세션에 참석 및 발표할 것입니다.
컨퍼런스 리포트를 신청합니다.
The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, sponsored by the
IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Computer
Communications, is one of networking's longest, continuously running
conferences. The LCN focuses on practical, leading-edge applications and
research in the area of computer networks. It has an informal,
workshop-style atmosphere, offering significant opportunity for speakers,
panelists, and attendees to spend unstructured time together. The papers
presented at the LCN are subject to thorough peer review and are published
in the LCN Proceedings. Attendees come from around the world, including
North America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim. Both industry and academia
are well represented. Topics of papers and panel sessions include high-speed
networking, high-performance protocols, local, metropolitan, and wide area
networks, internetworking, network and protocol design, wireless networks,
routing and switching, multimedia, ATM and gigabit LANs, networking to/at
home and office, security, object oriented communications, distributed
systems, and real-time networks. Keynote speakers in past years include
Dave Clark, Dev Vrat Gupta, Raj Jain, Peter Newman, Craig Partridge,
Radia Perlman, Larry Roberts, Howard Salwen, Tim Wild, and Stephen