Materials Research Society 2000 meeting
저는 서울대학교 재료공학부 박사 과정 이장식입니다.
2000년 11월 27일부터 12월 1일까지 미국 보스톤에서 미국재료학회 주최 Materials Research Society 2000 meeting이 열립니다. 저는 이 학회에 논문 발표를 위해 참가할 예정입니다.
이 MRS 학회는 전세계 재료 분야 연구자들이 참석하는 재료 관련 최대의 학회라고 생각됩니다.
금번 학회에 대한 소개 및 Symposium에 대해 아래에 첨부하며, conference report 작성 request 합니다.
2000 MRS Fall Meeting
Call for Papers
November 27 - December 1, 2000
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Hynes Convention Center and
Sheraton Boston Hotel
Preliminary Announcement
The 2000 Fall Materials Research Society Meeting will highlight recent and significant advances in the understanding, processing, and synthesis of materials. Over 40 technical symposia will cover a wide range of topics in materials science, including nanoscale materials, device and functional materials, thin films, defects and interfaces, novel processing methods, and polymeric materials. This meeting will also include a special cluster of symposia dedicated to biomedical materials.
New symposia will be offered in many exciting areas such as nanoscale materials and fabrication, microphotonics, spintronics, novel semiconductor materials, glassy and quasicrystalline alloys, applied magnetic field effects in processing, thermal barrier coatings, ultrafast optical phenomena, irradiation effects, interfaces, and the limits of the strength of materials. Popular ongoing series of symposia will continue in nitride semiconductors, ferroelectric thin films, high-temperature superconductors, thin-film mechanical properties, high-temperature intermetallics, ion beam synthesis, dynamics in confined systems, concrete, catalytic materials, materials science of MEMS, ferroelectrics, and organic electronics.
Symposia on computer modeling and calculations in materials science will provide a forum for interaction between theorists and experimentalists. The biomaterials symposia will examine neurological, cardiovascular, orthopedic, and dental biomaterials and biomaterials for drug delivery. Strong interaction among the symposia will highlight the interdisciplinary nature of materials science.
Tutorial sessions in selected areas will provide introductions to new fields. There will be an exhibition of products and services of interest to the materials community, and the popular Symposium X series will feature topics on the forefront of materials science.
Technical Symposia
CLUSTER 1: Nano-/Microstructured Materials
Symposium A: Nanotubes and Related Materials
Symposium B: Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nanophase Materials- Theory and Computer Simulations vs Experiment
Symposium C: Anisotropic Nanoparticles - Synthesis, Characterization, Applications
Symposium D: Nonlithographic and Lithographic Methods for Nanofabrication-From Ultralarge-Scale Integration to Photonics to Molecular Electronics
Symposium E: Microphotonics-Materials, Physics and Applications
Symposium F: Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductor Materials and Structures
CLUSTER 2: Semiconductors
Symposium G: GaN and Related Alloys
Symposium H: Silicon Carbide- Materials, Processing, and Devices
Symposium I: Semiconductor Spintronics- Physics, Materials and Applications
Symposium J: Semiconductor Quantum Dots II
CLUSTER 3: Metals
Symposium K: Quasicrystals
Symposium L: Supercooled Liquid, Bulk Glassy and Nanocrystalline States of Alloys
Symposium M: Thermal Barrier Coatings
Symposium N: High-Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys IX
CLUSTER 4: Materials Processing & Analysis
Symposium O: Ion Beam Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials
Symposium P: Growth, Evolution, and Properties of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Self-Organized Structures
Symposium Q: Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology II
Symposium R: Microstructural Processes in Irradiated Materials
Symposium S: Applied Magnetic Field Effects on Materials Behavior
Symposium T: Dynamics in Confining Systems VI
Symposium U: Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Phenomena
Symposium V: Low Vacuum SEM/ESEM in Materials Science- Wet SEM- the Liquid Frontier of Microscopy
CLUSTER 5: Defects, Mechanics, and Length Scales
Symposium W: The Limits of Strength in Theory and Practice
Symposium Y: Influences of Interface and Dislocation Behavior on Microstructure Evolution
Symposium Z: Multiscale Materials Modeling
Symposium AA: Structure-Property Relationships of Oxide Surfaces and Internal Interfaces
CLUSTER 6: Device and Functional Materials
Symposium BB: Characterization and Modeling of Domain Microstructures in Materials
Symposium CC: Ferroelectric Thin Films IX
Symposium DD: Materials Issues for Tunable RF and Microwave Devices II
Symposium EE: Materials Science of Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) Devices III
CLUSTER 7:Inorganic Materials
Symposium FF: Materials Science of High Performance Concrete
Symposium GG: Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials
Symposium HH: Advanced Catalytic Materials - 2000
Symposium II: High Temperature Superconductors - Crystal Chemistry, Processing and Properties
CLUSTER 8: Organic and Biomaterials
Symposium JJ: Organic Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices
Symposium KK: Filled and Nanocomposite Polymer Materials
Symposium LL: Orthopaedic/Dental Biomaterials
Symposium MM: Cardiovascular Biomaterials
Symposium NN: Biomaterials for Drug Delivery
Symposium OO: Neurologic Biomaterials
Symposium X: Frontiers of Materials Research
2000년 11월 27일부터 12월 1일까지 미국 보스톤에서 미국재료학회 주최 Materials Research Society 2000 meeting이 열립니다. 저는 이 학회에 논문 발표를 위해 참가할 예정입니다.
이 MRS 학회는 전세계 재료 분야 연구자들이 참석하는 재료 관련 최대의 학회라고 생각됩니다.
금번 학회에 대한 소개 및 Symposium에 대해 아래에 첨부하며, conference report 작성 request 합니다.
2000 MRS Fall Meeting
Call for Papers
November 27 - December 1, 2000
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Hynes Convention Center and
Sheraton Boston Hotel
Preliminary Announcement
The 2000 Fall Materials Research Society Meeting will highlight recent and significant advances in the understanding, processing, and synthesis of materials. Over 40 technical symposia will cover a wide range of topics in materials science, including nanoscale materials, device and functional materials, thin films, defects and interfaces, novel processing methods, and polymeric materials. This meeting will also include a special cluster of symposia dedicated to biomedical materials.
New symposia will be offered in many exciting areas such as nanoscale materials and fabrication, microphotonics, spintronics, novel semiconductor materials, glassy and quasicrystalline alloys, applied magnetic field effects in processing, thermal barrier coatings, ultrafast optical phenomena, irradiation effects, interfaces, and the limits of the strength of materials. Popular ongoing series of symposia will continue in nitride semiconductors, ferroelectric thin films, high-temperature superconductors, thin-film mechanical properties, high-temperature intermetallics, ion beam synthesis, dynamics in confined systems, concrete, catalytic materials, materials science of MEMS, ferroelectrics, and organic electronics.
Symposia on computer modeling and calculations in materials science will provide a forum for interaction between theorists and experimentalists. The biomaterials symposia will examine neurological, cardiovascular, orthopedic, and dental biomaterials and biomaterials for drug delivery. Strong interaction among the symposia will highlight the interdisciplinary nature of materials science.
Tutorial sessions in selected areas will provide introductions to new fields. There will be an exhibition of products and services of interest to the materials community, and the popular Symposium X series will feature topics on the forefront of materials science.
Technical Symposia
CLUSTER 1: Nano-/Microstructured Materials
Symposium A: Nanotubes and Related Materials
Symposium B: Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nanophase Materials- Theory and Computer Simulations vs Experiment
Symposium C: Anisotropic Nanoparticles - Synthesis, Characterization, Applications
Symposium D: Nonlithographic and Lithographic Methods for Nanofabrication-From Ultralarge-Scale Integration to Photonics to Molecular Electronics
Symposium E: Microphotonics-Materials, Physics and Applications
Symposium F: Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductor Materials and Structures
CLUSTER 2: Semiconductors
Symposium G: GaN and Related Alloys
Symposium H: Silicon Carbide- Materials, Processing, and Devices
Symposium I: Semiconductor Spintronics- Physics, Materials and Applications
Symposium J: Semiconductor Quantum Dots II
CLUSTER 3: Metals
Symposium K: Quasicrystals
Symposium L: Supercooled Liquid, Bulk Glassy and Nanocrystalline States of Alloys
Symposium M: Thermal Barrier Coatings
Symposium N: High-Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys IX
CLUSTER 4: Materials Processing & Analysis
Symposium O: Ion Beam Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials
Symposium P: Growth, Evolution, and Properties of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Self-Organized Structures
Symposium Q: Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology II
Symposium R: Microstructural Processes in Irradiated Materials
Symposium S: Applied Magnetic Field Effects on Materials Behavior
Symposium T: Dynamics in Confining Systems VI
Symposium U: Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Phenomena
Symposium V: Low Vacuum SEM/ESEM in Materials Science- Wet SEM- the Liquid Frontier of Microscopy
CLUSTER 5: Defects, Mechanics, and Length Scales
Symposium W: The Limits of Strength in Theory and Practice
Symposium Y: Influences of Interface and Dislocation Behavior on Microstructure Evolution
Symposium Z: Multiscale Materials Modeling
Symposium AA: Structure-Property Relationships of Oxide Surfaces and Internal Interfaces
CLUSTER 6: Device and Functional Materials
Symposium BB: Characterization and Modeling of Domain Microstructures in Materials
Symposium CC: Ferroelectric Thin Films IX
Symposium DD: Materials Issues for Tunable RF and Microwave Devices II
Symposium EE: Materials Science of Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) Devices III
CLUSTER 7:Inorganic Materials
Symposium FF: Materials Science of High Performance Concrete
Symposium GG: Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials
Symposium HH: Advanced Catalytic Materials - 2000
Symposium II: High Temperature Superconductors - Crystal Chemistry, Processing and Properties
CLUSTER 8: Organic and Biomaterials
Symposium JJ: Organic Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices
Symposium KK: Filled and Nanocomposite Polymer Materials
Symposium LL: Orthopaedic/Dental Biomaterials
Symposium MM: Cardiovascular Biomaterials
Symposium NN: Biomaterials for Drug Delivery
Symposium OO: Neurologic Biomaterials
Symposium X: Frontiers of Materials Research