2000 IROS(International conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems)
10월 31일부터 11월 5일까지 일본 takamatsu에서 열린 International conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems에 대한 학회 report를 신청합니다. IROS는 IEEE와 Robotics Society Japan에서 주관하는 학회로 ROBOTICS분야에서는 IEEE주관의 ICRA다음으로 큰 학회입니다. 1988년부터 시작되어 매년 개최되고 있으며, 올해에는 약 400여편의 주도적인 로봇관련 논문들이 발표되었습니다. 이 학회에서는 여러 로봇 연구 분야의 선도 연구와 최근 로봇 응용분야들이 발표됩니다.
저는 KAIST 기계공학과 박사 3년차 김민영입니다. 2000 IROS에 참석하여, Industry applications session에서 논문을 발표하였습니다.
프로그램은 다음과 같습니다.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2000)
October 30 - November 5, 2000
Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Japan
Personal Robotics
Manipulator Control
Soft-Computing Robotics
3D Ranging
Map Building on Mobile Robot
Virtual Reality and Simulation
Mechatronics Elements
Robotics and Neuroscience
Visual Servoing
Mobile Robot Localization
Human-Robot Cooperation
Rehabilitation Robots
Reinforcement Learning
Micro Robotics
Parallel Mechanism
Mobile Robot Navigation
Advances in Micromanipulation
Medical Robotics
Collision Detection
Advanced Control Method
E-service Robotics
Underwater Robot
Haptic Interface
Walking Robots
Fuzzy and Neural Networks
Biped Robots
Self-localization on Robot Soccer
Grasping and Stiffness Analysis
Sensor Systems
Ultrasonic Sensing for Mobile Robot
Robot Programming / Architecture
Sensor Fusion
Omnidirectional Sensor and the Mobile Robot Navigation
Humanoid Robotics
Biologically-Based Robotics
Control of Mobile Robot
Vision-Based Navigation
Motion Planning
Fusion of Control and Mechanism
Rescue Robotics
Motion Planning
Wall-Climbing and Legged Robot
Robot Vision
저는 KAIST 기계공학과 박사 3년차 김민영입니다. 2000 IROS에 참석하여, Industry applications session에서 논문을 발표하였습니다.
프로그램은 다음과 같습니다.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2000)
October 30 - November 5, 2000
Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Japan
Personal Robotics
Manipulator Control
Soft-Computing Robotics
3D Ranging
Map Building on Mobile Robot
Virtual Reality and Simulation
Mechatronics Elements
Robotics and Neuroscience
Visual Servoing
Mobile Robot Localization
Human-Robot Cooperation
Rehabilitation Robots
Reinforcement Learning
Micro Robotics
Parallel Mechanism
Mobile Robot Navigation
Advances in Micromanipulation
Medical Robotics
Collision Detection
Advanced Control Method
E-service Robotics
Underwater Robot
Haptic Interface
Walking Robots
Fuzzy and Neural Networks
Biped Robots
Self-localization on Robot Soccer
Grasping and Stiffness Analysis
Sensor Systems
Ultrasonic Sensing for Mobile Robot
Robot Programming / Architecture
Sensor Fusion
Omnidirectional Sensor and the Mobile Robot Navigation
Humanoid Robotics
Biologically-Based Robotics
Control of Mobile Robot
Vision-Based Navigation
Motion Planning
Fusion of Control and Mechanism
Rescue Robotics
Motion Planning
Wall-Climbing and Legged Robot
Robot Vision