
American Ceramic Society 103rd Annual Meeting & Exposition








서울대학교 재료공학부 이장식입니다.
2001년 4월 22일부터 25일까지 미국 인디아나폴리스에서 개최되는 미국요업학회 Annual Meeting의 conference request를 하고자 합니다.
본 미팅은 다음과 같은 내용으로 진행될 예정입니다.


A. Ceramic Materials Enabling Device and Information Technology
A1. Advances in Dielectric Materials and Multilayer Electronic Devices
A2. Optoelectronic Materials and Technology in the Information Age
A3. Ceramics for Wireless Technologies
A4. Structure and Properties of Advanced Nitrides and Electronic Nitrides
B. The Impact of Ceramics in Energy Manipulation and the Environment
B1. Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
B2. Science and Technology in Addressing Environmental Issues in the Ceramic Industry
B3. Crystalline Silica and Other Nuisance Dust
B4. Ceramic Science and Technology for the Nuclear Industry
C. Ceramics in Biomedical, Chemical and Mechanical Applications
C1. Ceramic Coatings for Thermal, Environmental and Mechanical Applications
C2. Ceramic Matrix Composites
C3. Chemical Sensors for Hostile Environments
C4. Materials for Medicine and Biotechnology
D. Cross Cutting Issues
D1. Merging Length Scales in Theory, Modeling and Simulations of Materials
D2. Synthesis and Processing of Nanostructured Materials
Panel Discussion: The National Nanotechnology Initiative: Opportunities for Education, Collaboration and Research
D3. Defects, Transport and Related Phenomena
E. Ceramic Processing
E1. Interfacial Chemistry and Segregation Phenomena in Ceramics
E2. Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites

Annual Meeting의 경우, 세라믹스 전반에 걸친 세계적인 학회입니다. 저는 금번 미팅에서 "Symposium A. Ceramic Materials Enabling Device and Information Technology" 와 관련된 내용을 중심으로 리포트를 작성하고자 합니다.