학회보고서 작성신청
제목 작성자 상태 등록일
공지 학회보고서 생산 중단
The AI Summit San Francisco 국경완(kugstone) 작성완료 2018-09-14
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-09-20
아시아소재은행네트워크(Asian Network of Research Resource Centers) 안경숙(clearstarz) 작성완료 2018-09-13
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-09-17
The 51st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2018 조현우(hwjoe) 작성완료 2018-09-11
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-09-12
4th International Conference on BioTribology 이승환(selee) 작성완료 2018-09-10
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-09-12
International Workshop on Juris-informatics associated with JSAI International Symposia on AI 김미영(kim1) 작성완료 2018-09-08
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-09-12
The Cell Symposia: Translation of Stem Cells to the Clinic: Challenges and Opportunities 한민준(mjbio) 작성완료 2018-09-06
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-09-10
Falling Weight Deflectometer User's Group 김다혜(dkim15_001) 작성완료 2018-09-04
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-09-10
27th International Meshing Roundtable (IMR) INHO SONG(cat12) 작성완료 2018-08-30
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-08-31
Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2018 호요성(hoyosung) 작성완료 2018-08-22
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-08-31
1st Controlled Release Asia (CRA) Meeting 배기현(bkheun82) 작성완료 2018-08-17
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2018-08-28