학회보고서 작성신청
제목 작성자 상태 등록일
공지 학회보고서 생산 중단
Pavement Surface Properties Rodeo 2017 김다혜(dkim15_001) 작성완료 2017-05-31
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-06-01
6th International Conference on Neurology & Epidemiology joint meeting with the Annual meeting of Chinese stroke prevention and control society 김연진(neurokim76) 작성완료 2017-05-29
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-07-11
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Hydrogen-Metal Systems 오현철(dhguscjf) 작성완료 2017-05-26
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-06-08
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 작성완료 2017-05-24
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-05-31
International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable Development (FR17) 강석훈(shkang73) 작성완료 2017-05-24
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-05-29
18th Annual Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Project Review Meeting 이시우(crater) 작성완료 2017-05-24
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-05-29
International Conference of the Metabolomics Society 이창묵(changmuk) 작성완료 2017-05-23
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-05-31
American Association of Physicists in Medicine 이춘식(choonsiklee) 작성완료 2017-05-22
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-05-23
KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining Taehee Jeong(thj77) 작성완료 2017-05-19
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-05-30
8th International Symposium NANOPOROUS MATERIALS-VIII (NANO-8) 오현철(dhguscjf) 작성완료 2017-05-17
(RE)분석자 선정 이명교(reports) 2017-05-17