The aim of the Conference on Advanced Building Skins is to contribute to a multidisciplinary, integrated planning approach by architects, engineers, scientists, manufacturers and the building industry to reduce energy consumption of buildings. The annual international conference attracts 600 participants from over fifty countries. The Conference will be held at the Congress Center Kursaal in Bern, Switzerland, 2-3 October 2017.
Since 2006, this international conference boasts a new energy strategy and is resolute in an investment in renewable energies every year. This years confence is the 12th international Conference on Advanced Building Skins.
A crucial feature of a strategy is energy efficiency, for without a drastic improvement in efficiency, they will not achieve energy reform. A definite deciding factor is the area of buildings. The Conference underscores the imperative of building skins for total energy consumption in buildings, with the aim of putting scientific know-how into practice. The dialogue between science and practice should also promote the technology transfer and an inter-disciplinary procedure for building construction, which is vital for the realization of an energy strategy.
A large part of buildings are old constructions. Thus, a lack of insulation, out-moded heating systems, as well as non-airproof walls and windows are responsible for a high consumption of energy. Energy-based renovations reduce the energy consumption of buildings. This is not only economically significant for home-owners, but also for the economy as a whole, since renovations generate employment.
Innovative insulation products represent a key contribution to an energy-efficient building skin.
The Canton of Bern is supporting this congress, as it brings different scientific disciplines and practice to an international platform. This conference would like to contribute to making the transfer of knowledge even more dynamic and encourage inter-disciplinary co-operation, while expanding international co-operation.
Since 2006, this international conference boasts a new energy strategy and is resolute in an investment in renewable energies every year. This years confence is the 12th international Conference on Advanced Building Skins.
A crucial feature of a strategy is energy efficiency, for without a drastic improvement in efficiency, they will not achieve energy reform. A definite deciding factor is the area of buildings. The Conference underscores the imperative of building skins for total energy consumption in buildings, with the aim of putting scientific know-how into practice. The dialogue between science and practice should also promote the technology transfer and an inter-disciplinary procedure for building construction, which is vital for the realization of an energy strategy.
A large part of buildings are old constructions. Thus, a lack of insulation, out-moded heating systems, as well as non-airproof walls and windows are responsible for a high consumption of energy. Energy-based renovations reduce the energy consumption of buildings. This is not only economically significant for home-owners, but also for the economy as a whole, since renovations generate employment.
Innovative insulation products represent a key contribution to an energy-efficient building skin.
The Canton of Bern is supporting this congress, as it brings different scientific disciplines and practice to an international platform. This conference would like to contribute to making the transfer of knowledge even more dynamic and encourage inter-disciplinary co-operation, while expanding international co-operation.
본인은 본 학회에 연구논문을 제출했고, 10월 2일 본 학회의 한 세션(E3:Integrating PV as Shading Device)의 좌장이자 발표자로 참석할 예정입니다.
본 Integrating PV as Shading Device 분야는 본인이 1998년 국제 저명논문집 Solar Energy(SCI)에 관련 논문을 게재하면서 개척한 분야로 현재는 많은 연구자들이 중요하게 생각하고 연구를 하고있는 분야입니다.
본 학회에서도 본인의 연구업적을 고려하여 독일, 이태리, 일본, 영국, 스위스 등 선진국 연구자들이 있는 본 세션에 본인에게 좌장을 의뢰해 왔고 본인도 흔쾌히 수락 하였습니다.
따라서 본인은 본 학회에서 추구하는 건축물의 에너지절약을 위한 각종 최신 연구결과 등을 파악하여 국내의 연구자들과 관심있는 분들에게 가장 잘 알릴 수 있는 위치에 있다고 생각하여 보고서작성 신청을 하오니 선처해 주시기 바랍니다.
특히 중요한것은 본인이 제일 재미있는 분야이니 성실하게 할 수 있다고 생각합니다.
본 Integrating PV as Shading Device 분야는 본인이 1998년 국제 저명논문집 Solar Energy(SCI)에 관련 논문을 게재하면서 개척한 분야로 현재는 많은 연구자들이 중요하게 생각하고 연구를 하고있는 분야입니다.
본 학회에서도 본인의 연구업적을 고려하여 독일, 이태리, 일본, 영국, 스위스 등 선진국 연구자들이 있는 본 세션에 본인에게 좌장을 의뢰해 왔고 본인도 흔쾌히 수락 하였습니다.
따라서 본인은 본 학회에서 추구하는 건축물의 에너지절약을 위한 각종 최신 연구결과 등을 파악하여 국내의 연구자들과 관심있는 분들에게 가장 잘 알릴 수 있는 위치에 있다고 생각하여 보고서작성 신청을 하오니 선처해 주시기 바랍니다.
특히 중요한것은 본인이 제일 재미있는 분야이니 성실하게 할 수 있다고 생각합니다.