
6th International Conference on Neurology & Epidemiology joint meeting with the Annual meeting of Chinese stroke prevention and control society

We are pleased to announce and welcome you to join the 7th Annual Scientific Session of the Stroke Prevention and Control Society (SPCS), Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (CPMA) and the 5th International Conference on Neurology and Epidemiology (ICNE), which will be held on 1­3 December 2017 in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China. This conference, jointly sponsored by SPCS and CPMA, together with International Association of Neurology and Epidemiology (IANE), and organized by the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, will attract both domestic and foreign researchers and practitioners in the areas of neurology, neurosurgery, imaging, and epidemiology.

The two associations who are hosting the conference are renowned both at home and abroad. The SPCS of CPMA is dedicated to substantially increasing preventive and therapeutic knowledge of cerebrovascular diseases, and improving the awareness of clinicians, and so speeding up steps to developing effective measures to reduce the burden of stroke in China. IANE, being non­political and non­discriminatory, whether for religion, race or gender,is committed to promoting research and clinical development for improving medical care and prevention in the field of neurological disorders, to promote ethical practice and standards of practice and treatment in the field of neurological disorders. It is a great academic feat having the strong cooperation of two eminent associations for the conference. The conference, with the theme “Quality, Standard, Resonance and Promotion", will mainly focus on the up­to­date information on medical quality systems, as well as stroke epidemiology. Delegates will obtain up­to­date information on stroke through plenary lectures and keynote symposia, presented by the world’s leading academic leaders.

신경학과 유행병학에 관련된 학회로서, 중풍 예방학회와 신경학및 유행병학 학회가 함께 개최하는 학회로 신경내과, 신경외과및 영상을 비롯한 유행병학 관련해 토론이 되는 학회입니다.

신청자는 침구치료의 중풍이후 환자의 우울증과 조울증에 관한 임상연구 논문을 발표할 계획입니다.

학회 분석을 통해 중국의 중풍예방관련 연구동향과 신경학과 유행병학의 내용을 주요 작성 분야가 될 것으로 보고 있습니다.