
Nanomedicine in coronary artery disease

1. Introduction
2. Historical context
2.1. Role of nanomedicine in targeted drug delivery
2.2. The global burden of Coronary artery disease (CAD)
2.3. Coronary artery disease and nanomedicine
2.4. Development of Coronary artery disease
2.5. Non-invasive nanomedicine strategies
2.5.1. Affecting lipid levels
2.5.2. Affecting angiogenesis
2.5.3. Affecting inflammation
2.5.4. Affecting intra-arterial thrombosis
2.6. Invasive nanomedicine therapeutic strategies
2.6.1. Anti-restenosis strategy following PCI
2.6.2. Prevention of in-stent restenosis
2.6.3. Healing enchancement strategy following PCI
2.6.4. CABG biosynthetic grafts using nanotechnology
2.7. Nanomedicine and imaging
2.8. Challenges in application of nanomedicine
2.8.1. Development
2.8.2. Age of nanomaterials in vivo
2.8.3. Biological side effects
2.8.4. Direct toxicity
2.9. Future of nanomedicine in CAD therapy
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