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3D print 활용 전자 의료 디바이스를 만드는 과제를 수행중에 있으며, 관련 분야 커리큘럼 개발 경력이 있으므로 신청에 적합한 전문성을 갖추었다고 보입니다. 관련 분야의 집필 논문은 아래와 같습니다.
“Reduction in Migratory Phenotype in a Metastasized Breast Cancer Cell Line via Downregulation of S100A4 and GRM3,” Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 3459

“Microfluidic Channel for Characterizing Normal and Breast Cancer Cells,” J. Micromech. Microeng. 27, pp. 035017 (2017)

“Radio frequency hyperthermia for destruction of pancreatic tumors using nickel-gold core-shell nanowires,” Nanotechnology, 28, 03LT01 (2017)

"3 Dimensional-Printed Micro-Container with Graphene Current Collector and Manganese Oxide Thin-Film as Cathodes of Li-Batteries," Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett. 8, pp. 1095?1098 (2016)

“Intracellular delivery of top-down fabricated tunable nano-plasmonic resonators,” Nanoscale, 5, 10179-10182, 2013

“Subcellular Resolution Mapping of Endogenous Cytokine Secretion by Nano-Plasmonic-Resonator Sensor Array,” Nano Letters, Vol. 11, pp. 3431-3434, 2011

“Intense pulsed light induced platinum-gold alloy formation on carbon nanotubes for non-enzymatic glucose detection,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 26, pp. 602-607, 2010