Year 2000 Parallel Kinematic Machines International Conference (2000-PKM-IC)
September 13-15, 2000
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Theme: "Research, Innovation, Design and Performance of the Parallel Kinematic Machines, around the world"On behalf of all our sponsors and the organizers, we invite you to participate in one of the most important scientific and technical event concerned with applications of elegant kinematic structures to production robotics and manufacturing. As the theme "The innovations and new contributions to Design and Performance of the Parallel Kinematic Machines, around the world," the program will include sessions on kinematics, dynamics, synthesis and control of the PKM as well as their manufacturing performance attributes such as precision and repeatability. Results and research of PKM's components such as actuators and joints are encouraged to be reported. Finally of great importance is the utilization and promise of the PKM in reconfigurable and flexible manufacturing models. We invite you to participate as an author. We are looking forward to receiving your paper submission and to welcoming you to Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, in September, 2000. We are hopeful that the final result of this conference will be a strong
participation of engineers from Academic, Industrial and Research organizations that will continue to promote the research, innovation and application of the Parallel Kinematic Machines.
Call for Papers:
Papers are solicited in all areas of PKM and associate fields. The Application and the Research papers are of equal importance. The papers will be reviewed and all accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Research papers should address new concepts or report recent scientific results and their chance to be applied. Applications papers should summarize interesting new developments in the application of PKM technologies and stress what research is required to increase the PKM practical performance. The following non-exclusive list of topic areas indicates the scope of the 2000-PKM-Conference:
◆ Kinematics, Dynamic and Synthesis of the PKM
◆ Simulation and identification
◆ Sensors fusion
◆ Flexible PKM
◆ Active vision, reasoning and planning systems
◆ Cellular PKM systems
◆ New applications in manufacturing
◆ Computer integrated
◆ Modeling
◆ Motion and force control
◆ Dexterity and grasp control
◆ Multi-PKM and cooperative systems
◆ Virtual reality and human/robot interfaces
◆ Factory based applications.
◆ Design automation and rapid prototyping
◆ Flexible and reconfigurable manufacturing models
Paper Submissions:
Deadline for Paper submission: January 15, 2000
Paper acceptance notification: May 1, 2000
Camera-ready manuscript: June 1, 2000
Papers should be submitted to the regional paper chair (Asia and Australia).
Dr. Masaru Uchiyama
Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Spacecraft Systems Laboratory
Aoba-yama 01, 980-8579 Sendai, Japan
Phone: +81-22-217-6970
FAX: +81-22-217-6971
Email: uchiyama@space.mech.tohoku.ac.jp
URL: http://www.space.mech.tohoku.ac.jp
The papers have to be submitted in 5 copies. To help the reviewing and the acceptance process the papers should be submitted in final form with a 2-column format. Each column is limited to 3 1/4 inch in width (8.25 cm) and 8 7/8 inch in length (22.5 cm) with a 3/8 inch gutter (0.95 cm) between columns. The margins are 13/16 inch (2.1 cm) on the sides, 1 1/16 inch (2.7cm) on the top and bottom. Text is to be typed single-spaced in at least 10 point Times Roman (or a font closely resembling this type). The first page of the paper, centered on the top below the top margin, should include the paper title, the authors names, and their affiliations. These specifications are mandatory for the final copy. The approved papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
All submitted papers must include:
Title of the paper Keywords Author's name(s) Presenter's or contact author's name
Organization/company/affiliation Address Telephone/fax/Email
For More information:
2000-PKM-IC Conference Secretariat
c/o Ms. Henia Kamil
Program in Manufacturing
The University of Michigan
1539 HH Dow Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136
Tel: +001-734-763-0480
Fax: +001-734-647-0079
Email: hek@engin.umich.edu
URL: www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~orlanik/2000-PKM-IC.htm
Sponsored by: University of Michigan College of Engineering, National Science Foundation