과학기술과 인문사회
Long Term Basic & Applied Research in Modeling and Intelligent Control
Primary Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Deadline: 3/3/2001
NASA intends to issue a NASA Research Announcement (NRA) on or about December 13, 2000 to seek ideas and approaches to formally characterize and control atmospheric flight vehicles in the presence of nonlinear, time dependent dynamics that are associated with near-stall and post-stall flight behavior. Proposals can range from the development of formal theory in mathematics and control to the design of experiments and measurement techniques utilizing existing facilities to the design of new facilities to enable the objectives of this announcement. Generic technology, technology applicable to the current generation of atmospheric flight vehicles, and technologies that will support advanced concept vehicles envisioned for the 2025 to 2040 time frame are sought.
It is anticipated that $700K per year will be available to fund up to eight awards for three years each. Up to two awards will be targeted at early career investigators (Early Career Investigator is defined in NSF publication: Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (NSF 00-89) Section III, Paragraph A. ( http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2000/nsf0089/nsf0089.txt ). Progress will be evaluated yearly with the government having the option of discontinuing any award for nonperformance. Award instruments may include contracts, grants, and/or cooperative agreements. Cost sharing arrangements may be proposed.
Technical questions may be addressed to James G. Batterson at j.g.batterson@larc.nasa.gov, or to the Contracting Officer.
Email M.M.POTEAT@larc.nasa.gov -- R. Todd Lacks, Contract Specialist, Phone (757) 864-2477, Fax
(757) 864-7709, Email r.t.lacks@larc.nasa.gov.
WEB: Click here for the latest information about this notice, http://nais.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/EPS/bizops.cgi?gr=D&pin=23#NRA-01-LaRC-1.