Terahertz Quantum Well Emitters and Detectors
Primary Sponsor: Department of Defense
Deadline: 4/11/2001
TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Sensors, Electronics, and Battlespace Environment
OBJECTIVE: Development of solid state terahertz quantum device structures for operation in the range between 0.3 Thz to 10 Thz that are suitable for coherent sources and detectors for use in space-based and short range terrestial communications, atmospheric sensing, and near object analysis.
DESCRIPTION: The terahertz frequency range (0.3 – 10 THz) is one of the last frontiers in the electromagnetic spectrum. The lower microwave and millimeter wave frequency regions have been and continue to be exploited for numerous wireless communication and radar applications, whereas the optical and infrared frequencies are being used for high bandwidth data transmission and some niche applications, including night vision. However, terahertz applications have been slow to develop, mainly due to the lack of miniature, reliable sources, detectors and related passive components. The region offers the potential for a number of applications including space-based and short-range terrestrial or near earth communications, atmospheric sensing, collision avoidance for aircraft and ground vehicles, and near object observation and spectroscopy. To realize this potential the appropriate sources and detectors need to be developed.Innovative approaches are needed leading to the development, fabrication, and operation of coherent quantum well terahertz sources. Desired are approaches in quantum wells and tunneling devices, as well as other novel quantum structure approaches. The goals of this effort are devices and device concepts that will deliver coherent radiation at potentially milliwatt power level, ultimately coupled efficiently in THz circuits, guided wave structures and antennas. Work is needed in detectors to greatly improve the sensitivity, speed, and bandwidth. Specifically desired are efforts in semiconductor-based quantum well structures and the subsequent development of a useable detector that is narrow band, widely tunable, and yet highly sensitive. Approaches toward compact system modules addressing both generation and detection are also of interest.
PHASE I: Clearly demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach. Define the quantum well device that will deliver up to milliwatts of coherent radiation at specified frequencies in the THz regime, and/or define the quantum well detector or detector structure detailing optimal geometry, bandwidth limitations, tunability, and current-carrying capacity. The definition of the device/ system-module needs to include principal of operation, material, processing, associated circuit or guided wave structure, and regime of operation.
PHASE II: Build upon Phase 1 work and demonstration of system components and implementation of a prototype. Perform appropriate analysis and modeling, grow the material or structure, fabricate the device and test its performance.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Terahertz photonics have selected potential applications. Covert communication on the battlefield or in space, chemical agent detection, atmospheric environment sensing, near object detection, material imaging will benefit from new technology in this part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
REFERENCES: 1. "Photon-assisted tunneling in a resonant tunneling diode: Stimulated emission and absorption in the THz range," Hermann Drexler, Jeff Scott, S.J.Allen Jr, K.L. Campman and A.C. Gossard; Applied Physics Letters, Volume 67, 4102 (1995) 2. "Inverse Bloch Oscillator: Strong Terahertz-Photocurrent Resonances at the Bloch Frequency"; K. Unterrainer, B.J. Keay, M.C. Wanke, S.J. Allen, D. Leonard, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, U. Bhattacharya, and M.J.W. Rodwell; Physical Review Letters, Vol. 76, 2973-6 (1996). 3. "Transition from classical to quantum response in semiconductor superlattices at THz frequencies" , S. Zeuner, B.J. Keay, S.J. Allen, K.D. Maranowski and A.C. Gossard, U. Bhattacharya and M.J.W. Rodwell; Physical Review-B Rapid Communications, B53, R1717 (1996). 4. Terahertz links on the web: www.bell-labs.com/user/igal/thzlinks.htm 5. C. Waschke, H. G. Roskos, R. Schwedler, K. Leo, H. Kurz, and K. Koehler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 3319 (1993).
KEYWORDS: Terahertz devices, terahertz emitters, terahertz detectors, terahertz sources, submilimeter, spaced-based communications, atmosheric sensing, quantum well, quantum device imaging
DoD Notice: Between January 2 and February 28, 2001, you may talk directly with the DoD scientists and engineers who authored the solicitation topics, to ask technical questions about the topics. The Topic Author is listed in the box below. For reasons of competitive fairness, direct communication between proposers and topic authors is not allowed after February 28, 2001, when DoD begins accepting proposals under this solicitation.
TPOC: Gernot Pomrenke PHONE: 703-588-1773
EMAIL: gernot.pomrenke@afosr.af.mil.
After February 28, 2001 proposers may still submit written questions about solicitation topics through the SBIR/STTR Interactive Topic Information System (SITIS). If you have general questions about DoD SBIR program, please contact the DoD SBIR Help Desk at (800) 382-4634 or email to SBIRHELP@teltech.com.
NOTE: The Solicitations listed on this site are copies from the various SBIR agency solicitations and are not necessarily the latest and most up-to-date. For this reason, you should use the agency link listed below which will take you directly to the appropriate agency server where you can read the official version of this solicitation and download the appropriate forms and rules. The official link for this solicitation is: http://www.acq.osd.mil/sadbu/sbir/sttr01/dod_sttr01.htm.
DoD will begin accepting proposals on March 1, 2001.
The solicitation closing date is April 11, 2001.