
Development of Assistive Technology to Improve the Functional Ability of Students and Adults with Di




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Development of Assistive Technology to Improve the Functional Ability of Students and Adults with Disabilities Primary Sponsor: Department of Education Deadline: 4/18/2001 KEYWORDS Topic #5 Examples include: 5-A. Improved application of current technology, such as eye-gaze equipment with simple operation protocols to make this more user friendly and to encourage broader use in identifying vision at-risk factors in hearing impaired children and youth. 5-B. Real-time speech-to-text technologies as practical communication and English-enhancing systems for students who are hard of hearing in regular education and in vocational training programs. 5-C. Curricula and accompanying materials to advance video conferencing and distance-learning interactive training of interpreters who work with persons of different ages who are hard of hearing. 5-D. Advancement of captioning technology and software to facilitate more universal low-cost, low-technology captioning of media to facilitate the inclusion of children and adults with hearing disabilities in school, community, and workplace activities, and in activities to improve interpersonal relationships. 5-E. Devices and technologies that promote remote access to information for individuals with severe hearing loss, such as devices that deaf people can use to request and receive face-to-face interpreter service by wireless means. 5-F. Develop of technological improvements in hearing aids or tinnitus masking devices for individuals who would benefit from these devices. 5-G. Development of a speech-to-print-to-sign capacity using the normal English language syntax. 5-H. Improved technology for control of upper extremity prostheses. Point of Contact: Judith Fein (202) 205-8116 NOTE: The Solicitations listed on this site are partial copies from the various SBIR agency solicitations and are not necessarily the latest and most up-to-date. For this reason, you should always use the suggested links on our reference pages. These will take you directly to the appropriate agency information where you can read the official version of the solicitation you are interested in. The official link for this page is: www.ed.gov/offices/OERI/SBIR/solicit.html Solicitation closing date is 04-18-2001.