
IAEA(국제원자력기구) 공동연구프로그램 2005년도 신규 신청 안내






~ 2005-05-25

과기부 공고 2005-67 IAEA(국제원자력기구) 에서는 IAEA 헌장 제3조의 “원자력의 평화적 이용을 위한 원자력 연구개발 및 실제적 적용을 장려 지원한다“ 는 방침에 의거하여 회원국의 원자력 연구 활동 지원하기 위해 ''05년도 신규 공동연구프로그램을 추진 예정이므로, 관련 기관은 해당분야에 적극 신청하여 주시기 바랍니다. 2005. 4. 20 부총리 겸 과학기술부장관 오 명 1. 2005년도 IAEA 지원대상 신규과제 (프로젝트) 가. NUCLEAR POWER 1) Nuclear Power Plant Operating Performance and Life Cycle Management (1개 프로젝트) - Master curve approach to monitor the fracture toughness of reactor pressure vessel in nuclear power plants (I2.10.18) 2) Co-ordination of International Collaboration for the Development of Innovative Nuclear Technologies (1개 프로젝트) - Small reactors without on-site fuelling (I2.50.01) 3) Technology Developments and Applications for Advanced Reactors (2개 프로젝트) - Analytical and experimental benchmark analyses of accelerator driven systems (ADS)(I3.20.06) - Analyses of and lessons learned from the operational experience with fast reactor equipment and systems (I3.20.07) 나. NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES 1) Nuclear Fuel Performance and Technology(1개 프로젝트) - Delayed hydride cracking (DHC) of zirconium alloy fuel cladding (CAURB) 2) Management of Spent Fuel from Power Reactors(1개 프로젝트) - Spent fuel performance assessment and research (SPAR-II) (T1.30.12) 3) Topical Nuclear Fuel Cycle Issues and Information Systems (2개 프로젝트) - Comparative assessments of the performance of various thorium-based reactor and fuel cycle concepts - Analysis of material flows for advanced and innovative reactors and fuel cycles (CAURB) 다. CAPACITY BUILDING AND KNOWLEDGE MAINTENANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT 1) Nuclear Knowledge Management (1개 프로젝트) - Comparative analysis of methods and tool for nuclear knowledge preservation 라. NUCLEAR SCIENCE 1) Research Reactors (1개 프로젝트) - Developing techniques for small scale indigenous molybdenum 99 production using LEU fission or neutron activation 2) Utilization of Accelerators and Instrumentation(4개 프로젝트) - Ion beam modification of insulators (F1.20.16) - Development of new techniques and applications of accelerator mass spectrometry (F1.20.17) - Development of nuclear microprobe techniques for the total quantitative analysis of microscopic structures - Development of harmonized QA/AC procedures for maintenance and repair of nuclear instruments (F1.20.18) 마. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 1) Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production Systems (1개 프로젝 ) - Molecular tools for quality improvement in vegetatively propagated crops including banana and cassava (D2.30.27) 2) Sustainable Intensification of Livestock Production Systems (2개 프로젝트) - Gene-based technologies in livestock breeding: characterization of small ruminant genetic resources in Asia (D3.10.25) - Veterinary Surveillance of Rift Valley Fever 바. HUMAN HEALTH 1) Nuclear Medicine (3개 프로젝트) - Development and quality control of in-house prepared radiopharmaceuticals for infection imaging for use in HIV/AIDS positive patients (E1.30.30) - Improved accuracy of molecular and immunological markers for prediction of efficacy of antimalarial drugs (E1.50.19) - Development of standardised mass rearing systems for male anopheles mosquitoes (D4.20.11) 2) Applied Radiation Biology and Radiotherapy(2개 프로젝트) - Radiobiological and clinical study on viral-induced cancers response to radiotherapy (E3.30.24) - Investigation of resource sparing external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy in patients with breast cancer 3) Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics(2개 프로젝트) - Harmonization of quality practices for nuclear medicine radioactivity measurements (E2.10.05) - Testing of the implementation of the code of practice for dosimetry in X-Ray diagnostic radiology 4) Nutrition and Effects of Contaminants on Human Health (5개 프로젝트) - Assessment of micronutrients bioavailability from biofortified crops in populations from developing countries (E4.30.17) - Zinc homeostasis in breastfed infants - Stable isotope technique to assess nutritional status in people living with HIV/AIDS - Assessing and monitoring obesity among children using nuclear and isotopic techniques - Exposure to toxic and potentially toxic elements in women of childbearing age in developing countries (E4.10.14) 사. SAFETY OF NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS 1) Engineering Safety of Existing Nuclear Installations and Site Evaluation (2개 프로젝트) - Probabilistic safety assessment of nuclear facilities in relation to external events (J7.20.04) - Losses of pre-stressing in nuclear structures 2) Safety of Fuel Cycle Installations (2개 프로젝트) - Characterization and performance studies and demonstration in underground research laboratories of &n sp; swelling clays as engineered barriers of geological repositories (T2.10.22) - Development of safety indicators for fuel cycle facilities 아. RADIATION AND TRANSPORT SAFETY 1) Occupational Radiation Protection (1개 프로젝트) - Activity concentrations in workplaces processing material with enhanced levels of naturally occurring radionuclides 자. MANAGEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE 1) Technologies for Disposable Radioactive Waste Management (1개 프로젝트) - The Use of numerical models in support of site characterization and performance assessment studies of geologic repositories 2. 신청 방법 및 기간(공동연구프로그램 신청안내서 참고) 가. 신청방법 각 기관에서 IAEA 소정양식의 연구계약(협약) 신청서를 작성, 총괄기관인 한국원자력연구소에 제출 한국원자력연구소는 접수된 신청서를 취합하여 과학기술부의 검토를 거쳐 IAEA에 신청 IAEA는 이를 심사한 후 연구사업 수행자의 소속 기관장에게 연구사업을 위한 관계서류(계약서) 직접 송부, 기관장의 계약체결 서명 요청 - 각 기관장은 동 계약서에 서명한 후 한국원자력연구소에 원본 2부, 사본 1부 총 3부 송부 - 한국원자력연구소는 서명 완료된 연구사업계약서를 과학기술부에 통보한 후 IAEA에 제출 - IAEA 연구계약 및 협약 신청양식 : 첨부물 참조(이메일 : kpkim@kaeri.re.kr) 나. 신청서 접수처 - 우편번호 : 305-353 대전광역시 유성구 덕진동 150 - 한국원자력연구소 ''국제원자력기구 (IAEA) 국제공동연구프로그램 (CRP)의 참여 증진 및 기술협력의 효율화 방안'' 과제책임자 김경표 책임연구원 (이메일 : kpkim@kaeri.re.kr) 다. 신청마감 : ''05. 5. 25 - IAEA와 가능한한 빨리 협의하는 것이 공동연구사업으로 선정되는데 유리하기 때문에 3차에 걸쳐 신청을 받고, 각 단계별로 신청 받은 사업에 대해서는 IAEA에 통보할 예정임 - 1차 : 2005년 4월 30일 - 2차 : 2005년 5월 10일 - 3차 : 2005년 5월 25일 라. 문의처 - 과기부 원자력협력과 원성태 : 02-2110-3657 - 한국원자력연구소 김경표 : 042-868-2741