
Reaserch and technological development in Europe : 36 Exemples of projects


과학기술과 인문사회




1. Agriculture and food Remoting sensing, an agricultural management tool New outletsfor oilseed crops Vegitable fibre, the sey to new advances in dietetics ... 2. Energy A giant wind turbine makes its mark in Denmark The green alliancd of coal and biomass ..... 3. Environment Keeping a close watch on urban pollution Tracking chemicals which pose a danger to ecosystems .... 4. Medicine and health The DNA map : a key tool in genetic medicine preventing atypical cardiac arrests A European netwotk to combat cancer ... 5. Industrial processes Training European researchers in microtechnology skills Making advanced production technology aceessible to small firms ... 6. Transport The importance of human factors in air safety Soundproofing airceraft cabins- a challenge for the aeronautics industry Even more reliable rail transport
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