Research News ( NO.12 - 1997 )은 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft에서 발간한다
6개의 타픽을 가지고 있다.
1. Computer Photography
사진촬영의 세계는 디지털 데이타 형태로 전환되고 있다. 칼라 사진 스캐너도 정지된 어떤 물체의 이미지도 담을 수 있다.
즉 프레임과 exposure time, 색 균형, 선명도 등이 컴퓨터를 통해이뤄진다.
2. Ultrasonic Measurement of Flow profiles in real time
A new ultrasonic system can measure flow speeds precisely and inexpensively.
3. Resilient colour coatins for crystal
The disadvantage with pained glasses is that their coulor coatings often fade or peel away
4. Fraunhofer Network Rapid Prototyping
Reducing development times is an imperative for all manufacturing companies. Prototypes play a key role in the development process. Generative methods produce prototypes more rapidly and perfectly-and now out of metal, too.
5. High-resolution, True-colour video camera
3-chip colour-splitter cameras can now be assembled with a subpixel degree of precision using a new adjustment plaform.
6. Research in the best of taste
The production of chocoalte is a sophisticated process.....
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