과학기술과 인문사회
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 address numerous air quality problems in the U.S.that wewe not entirely covered in ealier legislation.
One of these problems is acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil-fueled electric power plants and, to a lesser extent, from other industrial and transportation sources.
Title IV of the Act created a two-phased plan, administered by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), to reduce acid rain in the U.S.
Phase I runs from 1995 througy 1999, and Phase II, which is more stringent than Phase I, begin in 2000...........
This report updates and expands a report published by the Energy Information Administration in 1994 titled, Electric Utility Phase Acid Rain Compliance Strategies for the Clean air Act Amendments of 1990; it describes the strategies used to comply with the Acid Rain Program in 1995, the effect of compliance on Sulfer Dioxide emissions levels, the cost of compliance, and the effects of the program on coal supply and demand.
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