In 1998, EUREKA designed a Checklist in oder to provide EUREKA partners with a comprehensive set of information. Since both the European R&D context and the EUREKA context have made considerable progerss over the past 7 years, we have deemed that a through update of the Checklist seemed rather urgent.
In this view, aspects concerning market-entrance and commercialisation have been futher elaborated.
1. Objectives of the Checklist
(Managerial tool/ A linking driver/ Limitations of the Checklist)
2. The EUREKA Fundamentalls
(the EUREKA context/ The EUREKA Procedure/ The EUREKA 18 point application form)
3. Project Preparation And Execution
(The preparation of a EUREKA project/ The Contents of the project/ The legal aspects of the collaboration/ The execuation of the project)
4. Cheklist For The Setting Uo of An R&D Agreement
(Warnings/ Preamble and definitions/ Project contents/ Legal aspects of the collaboration)
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