
NASDA REPORT (November 1997 No.65)





출판사: NASDA(National Space Development Agency of Japan) 목차 1. Space Shuttle Mission Of Dr. Takao Doi The first Japanese Astronaut to Conduct a Spacework 2. Manipulator Flight Demonstration Conducted Aboard Space Shuttle - All scheduled tests and experiments in space using the space shuttle cargo bay ended, producing excellent results. Postflight analyses will be perforned in due time 3. Study of Space Laser Power Transmission to the LunerSurface -The basic idea of the space laser power transmission system is to generate electric power by solar arrays and cenvert it to laser beqam for power supply to the Moon. Future advances in thes technology field are expected to overcome manu difficult problems of this systems 4. The Day The Blue Earth Is Observed From the Moon(Part 8)
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