
Co-Utilisation of Coal, Biomass and Waste : Clean Coal Technology Programme 1992-1994


J.M. Bemtgen, J.R.G. Hein and A.J. Minchener




I.Objectives The rapid increase of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphiere and its well-known adverse effect on the global climate requires immediate action. Therefore, apart from a more economical use of fossil fuels, the application of regenerateive energy sources should be advanced. As one of the alternatives to decrease the net CO2 emissions, cultivation and conversion of solid biomass and sewage sludge is proposed. The following key issues are expected to be investigated within the scope of the research programme: -To develop the prepation, handling and feeding systems requires for the utilization of a range of coal/biomass feedstock in firing systems and gasifiers -To test a range of coal/biomass feedstock under combustion and gasification conditions to determine factors such as operability ash agglomeration, conversion efficiency, flue and fuel gas contaminants, solid residue characteristics and materials of construction -To investigate the combustion requirements for the utilisation of fuel gas in gas turbines and determine means for NO abatement in the gas turbine combustor. -To investigate the suitability of Low Calorific Vlaue gas for a reburning application. -To work out a techno-economic assessment of coal/sewage sludge combustion and gasification, enabling commercial viability of processes to be evaluated. 2.Organisation -The APAS Clean Coal Technology Programme covers Co-Combustion coordinated by the University of Stuuugart and Co-Gasification by British Coal as shown in the organisation scheme. The result of all projects are presented by the European Commission to the European industry, policy makers and international press.
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