
Euroabstracts Vol.36-4/98


과학기술과 인문사회


ESN and Ecotec, Brussels




Euroabstracts is published six times a year in English by the European Commission's Innovation Programme, under the responsibility of Edith Cresson, Member of the Commission responsible for Research, Innovation, Education, Training and Youth. ㅇ Contents 1. [Innovation] From Icarus to Airbus/Partial foresight/Changing our minds for the better/Selling innovation in the global market 2. [Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development] Decisions, decisions/Planting CO2 traps: rockstars welcome/Industry gets the cleaning bug 3. Feature - The path to a sustainable future/How to get out of the cosy niche/The well-conneted society/The legacy of Manja Sklodowska/A clear case for science brokering 4. [Information and Communication Technologies] Coming to terms with machines/Channel surfing takes on a new dimension 5. [Production/Transport] Priming pumps or propping up?/Plasticity of supply 6. [Life Science and Technologies] New science, new challenges/Agriculture's genetic revolution catches Europe napping/Seeing is believing
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