이 자료는 유전자 변형식물과 유기체에 관련된 7개 논문의 묶음이다. 각각의 논문의 제목은 다음과 같다.
-The Ecological Impacts of Transgenic Crops on Agroecosystem Health - Miguel A. Altieri
-Genetically Modified Crops and Other Organism: Imprications for Africultural Sustainability and Biodiversity - Brian johnson
-The potential health risks of genetically modified organisms : How can allergens be assessed and minimized? - Samuel B. Lehrer
- The development and Application of Agricultural Biotechnology in China - Longyue Zhao
- Modern biotechnology for food and agriculture: Social and Economic risks and opportunities for Low-income people in developing countries - Pinstrup Andersen
- Feeding the Developing World in the Next Millenium : A question of Science? - Allexander F. McCalla 외
- Managing Intellectual Property- Challenges and responses for Agricultural Research Institutes - Joel I. Cohen