
Report of the FESAC Panel on Priorities and Balance


과학기술과 인문사회

Meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee 18-21 August, 1999 This report presents the results and recommendations of the deliberations of the FESAC Panel on Priorities and Balance for the DOE's Fusion Energy Science Program. The panel consisted of 36people drawn from 23 different institutions which represented the spectrum of scientific and engineering disciplines involved in fusion energy research, including all key elements of magnetic fusion energy(MFE) and inertial fusion energy(IFE). The panel conducted most of its deliberations by working in four subpanels focused on the principal features of DOE's charge to FESAC on program balance and priorities: - Balance between MFE and IFE. - Balance within MFE. - Balance within IFE. - Proof-of Principle(PoP) Priorities. [Report Outline] Summary 1. Introduction 2. MFE Balance 3. PoP Balance 4. IFE Balance 5. MFE and IFE Balance Appendix A. FESAC Priorities and Balance Panel Membership
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