과학기술과 인문사회
Charles W. Wessner, Editor
미 정부 산업계간 연구개발 협력체제 연구보고서
Panel 1: S&T Parks: An Overview of Recent Experience
The Research Triangle Experience: Michael Luger, University of North Carolina
The Austin Experience: Jurgen Schmandt, University of Texas, Austin
Panel II: Technology Transfer and the National Laboratories
Origins of the Park Concept: Albert Narath, Lockheed Martin
The Sandia S&T Park Proposal: Dan Hartley, Sandia National Laboratories
Panel III: Institutional Design
The Conditions for Success: Edward Malecki, University of Florida
Government, University, and Industry Linkages: Adriaan M. de Graaf, National Science Foundation / Charls Wellborn, Universiry of New Mexico
Industry Views: Papken Der Torossian, Silicon Valley Group, Inc. / William James, Procter and Gamble
Panel IV: Operational Challenges: Opportunities and Contributions: Fundings and Governance, Cost-sharing and Cost Recovery, Intellectual Property, Facilities Access
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