- Features
The importance of nuclear power in emissions avoidance Radioisotope electric propulsion of sciencecraft to the outer Solar System and near-interstellar space FDG-A significant development in nuclear medicine Polfleit: Emergency planning at Ginna
- Power
NU receives largest court fine levied for false records. ComED nuclear fleet has best-ever performance. Perry and Beaver Valley now run by FirstEnergy Nuclear. slight reactor power increases may save dollars. Nuclear plant shares to change hands. Y2K nonsafety-related work scheduled for completion. New NRC plan for reviewing plant license transfers with foreign ownership.
- Operations
The Nuclear News interviews-PolfleitL: Emergency planning at Ginna.
- International
Tokaimura criticality accident results from improper procedures. IAEA general conference energized by two issues. IAEA Scientific Forum focuses on nuclear's future. TopFuel '99 participants address increased burnup. International Comment: A bad accident for sure...but no offsite risk. Russia's Adamov expresses optimism at Uranium Institute annual meeting. Fourth Swiss referendum may be forced by antinukes. India's Kaiga-2 PHWR achieves initial criticality. Heavy-water spill at South Korea's Wolsong-3 ranked as anomaly. Pressure from EU spurs early plant closings.
- Meetings
Global '99 International Conference looks at where nuclear engineers of the future will come from.
- Isotopes & Radiation
FDG-A significant development in nuclear medicine. Contamination at Paducah plant prompts actions, reactions. Drug relieves side effects of cancer therapies in mice.
- Waste Management
GAO report: Huge sums spent, but nothing to show for LLW compacts. DOE awards funding for 31 cleanup research projects.
- Research
U-M researchers have found an easier method of isotope separation. LANL develops a more precise measure of plutonium exposure. BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider is completed.
- Industry
Cogema units join forces; other business developments. TVA awards contract to service and replace steam generators; other deals.
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