National Report on Space Research in Pland to 32nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly Nagoya 12-19 July 1998
Report on Space Physics in Pland 1996-1997
1. Ionosphere
2. Magnetosphere
3. Space related activities in solar physics
4. Heliosphere
5. Planetology and interplanetary dust
6. Space related astrophysics
Report on Satellite giodesy in Pland 1996-1997
1. Space Research Center of Polish Academy Sciences
2. Institute of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy of the Warsawa University of Technology
3. Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology
4. Agricultural University of Wroclaw Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Report on Remote Sensing in Poland 1996-1997
1. Main research and development institutions
2. Polish-Canadian remote sensing project for agriculture
3. MSS and TM LANDSAT images as a base of forest deterioration assessment in the Western Sudety Mountains
4. CORINE Land cover adta base used for assessment of flood damage in Poland
5. New method of drought detection based on NOAA Satellites and its impact on Polish Agriculture
6. GIS and remote sensing techniques - a tool for monitoring and environmental protection at “Black Triangle Region“
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