The Sandia National Laboratories asked the Board on science, Technology, and Economic Policy(STEP) to hold a one-day symposium to review Sandia's proposal to develop a science and technology park. in light of the importance of industry-laboratory cooperation for the STEP Board's project on Covernment-Industry Partnerships for the Development of new Technologies, the Board convened a workshop bringing together executive branch officials, congressional staff, representatives from the private sector, and regional economists to discuss the Sandia S&T park initiative. the Sandia S&T park, which sandia National Laboratories, the city of Albuquerque, and the state of new Mexico are jointly developing, is a 285 acre site located adjacent to sandia national laboratories. Groundbreaking for the park tool place in may, 1999. A description of the park concept, prepared by sandia, is included in the report in Appendix A
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