- Lepton number asymmetry generated by resonant active-sterile neutrino transformation and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
- Clustering effect of 19B and its fragmentation
- Monte carlo simulations of SU(3) lattice gauge theory
- Systematic study of triaxial deformation in the relativistic mean field theory
- Hydrodynamical simulation of neutrino-driven wind for r-process
- On the perfect lattice action of abelian-projected SU(2) QCD
- Empirical eigenfunction analysis of coherent structures in Rayleigh-Benard convection
- Elastic scattering of positrons from Ne, Ar, CH4, and SiH4
- Anisotropy of electroabsorption response in a two-dimensional molecular system
- Evaluation of protein secondary structure prediction
- Molecular dynamics simulation study of lipid bilayers
- Non-adiabatic calculation of energies and widths of the resonant states of muonic helium hydride molecules
- Electronic structure and vibrational dynamics of the muonium-substituted cyclohexadienyl radical in ziolites
- Numerical calculations on quantum spin chains with periodic bond structures
- Harmonic generation by intense ultrashort laser pulses in rare gases
- Trajectory tracing for evaluation of atomic fabrication using atom optics technology
- First-principles calculations of electron transport through atomic wires on parallel computer
- Structure and electronic states for a single strand of gold atoms
- Calculations of Z-pinch capillary discharge plasmas for soft X-ray lasing
- Fast algorithm for calculating two-photon absorption spectra with real-time real-space higher-order finite-difference method
- Numerical study of impurity scattering in carbon nanotubes
- Novel quantum size effect in model nanocrystalline/amorphous mixed-phase silicon structures revealed by a linear scaling calculation
- Self-organized formation of atomic coherence via photon exchange in a coupled atom-photon system
- Direct interaction between adsorbed CO molecules on Ni(100) surface in c(2X2) geometry
- Profiles of glycosilation in fine organic synthesis
- GCM analysis of 182Os based on 3D-CHFB
- Nucleon-trinucleon scattering with Yamaguchi potential
- Hartree-Fock-Kohn-Sham calculation in 3D-mesh space
- Shell model Monte Carlo calculation of nuclear level densities
- Wobbling motion in the multi-bands crossing region
- Cut-off schemes for zero-range pairing interactions in canonical-basis Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method
- AMD-V simulations for 64Zn + 58Ni at 35-79A MeV
- Three-dimentional fluctuation-dissipation approach to the synthesis of superheavy elements
- Langevin approach to bimodal fission dynamics
- Microscopic derivation of IBFM and its application to realistic nuclei
- Efficient algorithm for calculating two photon absorption spectra
- A highly vectorised “link-cell“ FORTRAN code for the DL_POLY molecular dynamics simulation package
- Numerical estimation of molar volume of MgO periclase crystal
- The influence of photon splitting to cyclotron lines in neutron star atmospheres with super-strong magnetic fields
- Surface chemistry of CVD diamond
- Molecular dynamics simulation of a narrow channel flow
- Protein folding mechanism studied by molecular dynamics simulation
- Molecular dynamics simulation of the homogeneous nucleation of UF6 molecules: Configurations and infrared spectra of the excited hot clusters
- Stellar feedback to the global structure of the inter stellar matter
- Numerical simulations of circular disks entering water at low Froude numbers
- Molecular dynamics simulation of a diatomic gas molecule scattering from a solid surface
- The mechanism of the transition in circular hydraulic jump: A numerical study
- Pressure statistics in homogeneous steady turbulence
- Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent premixed flame
- CFD study of the effect of seam on the flow around a baseball ball
- Evolutionary computation for supersonic wing shape optimization........
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