
The 2000 Lloyd's Register Lecture : Perception vs Analysis-How to handle Risk


과학기술과 인문사회


Malcolm Brinded




In 1983 no less a body than the Royal society published a major contribution to the understanding of risk. Risk Assessment- A Study Group Report contained the following finding that put much of what i have to say into perspective. 1. meeting the increased public interest in risk estimate, which are often inherently imprecise, by open presentation and discussion; 2. the need for relevant institutions to seek information on the public's perception of risks and take due account of public reactions; 3. the need for better estimates of actual risk based on direct observation of what happens in society; 4. the need for the individual to manage those hazards he is responsible for, and to judge decisions made on his behalf 5. the need for regulatory techniques which involve quantiative guidlines, the open weighing of costs and benefits, and a clear commitment to the steady reduction of risks and detriments to the maximum extent that is reasonably practicable
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