This report provides an overview of the findings and recommendations of the House Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China as they relate to satellite launches, high performance computers, and management of Department of Energy(DOE) laboratories. The Select Committee, often called the "Cox Commettee" after its chairman, Representative Christopher Cox, released an approximately 900-page, three-volume unclassified version of its report on May 25, 1999. This CRS report also provides background information on the satellite, computer, and DOE laboratory management issues to set the Cox commettee findings and recommendations in context. This report will not be updated. CRS Issue Brief IB93062, Space Launch Vehicles: Government Requirements and Commercial Competition, and CRS Issue Brief IB10036, Restructuring DOE and Its Laboratories: Issues in the 106th Congress contain updated information on legislative activities resulting from the Cox committee recommendation on satellites and DOE laboratory management, respectively, CRS Report RL30220, China's Technology Acquisitions: Cox Committee's Report-Findings, Issues, and Recommendations, provides an overview of the entire Cox committee report.