과학기술과 인문사회
The Report comprises four chapters and four annexes, as follow :
1. report structure and summary
2. Framework Recommendations
- in this chapter this discuss a number of broad issues and make framework recommendations.
3.Supporting recommendations
-in this chapter this make a number of recommendations in support of the framework recommedations.
the following additional items are now discussed
.tendering for research
.spectrum sharing between services
.european Co-operation, COST and framework V
.Foresight programme
.Ground-based facilities - Whyteleafe
.Intellctual property right(IPR)
.Project and Dissemination management
4.Committee structure and funding considerations
Annex A
-In this annex this consider the historical background to the agency's research spend, particulary in the area of radiowave propagation.
Annex B
-this annex details the current position ralating to the Agency's research spend
Annex C
-This annex outlines how the review was conducted
Annex D
-response to the External Questionnaire
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