Erin C. Hatch
The Earth-viewing Triana spacecraft was originally proposed by Vice President Gore to NASA's Administrator Daniel Goldin in March 1998. The proposed mission would transmit a continuous Sun-lit full-disk image of the Earth that could be viewed on the Internet, and thereby assist in environmental awareness and science education. NASA expanded the project to include a complex scientific research agenda, and is also seeking additional educational and commercial applications. Congressional opponents argue that the spacecraft has its origins in politics, and that lack of initial peer review makes it an inappropriate expenditure by NASA. Supporters for the mission within NASA and Congress argue that Triana's scientific objectives have undergone peer review, and that the mission has a credible scientiic and educational basis. Though attempts were made during both the 105th and 106th Congresses to terminate the project, Triana's funding has survived. However, the conference report accompanying the FY2000 VA-HUD appropriations act(H.R. 2684), which includes NASA funding directs NASA to suspend all work on the mission until the National Academy of Sciences(NAS) completes an evaluation of the scientific goals of the mission. The NASA plans to issue this report by the end of January 2000. Hoever, even if the NAS issues a report in favor of Triana, NASA is prohibited from launching Triana prior to January 1, 2001. This report will be updated as events warrant.
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